Goal & Issue Summaries
Advocate cost-effective and practical safety and health regulations while protecting the competitive position of California employers. Work to ensure that any new rules are feasible, based on sound science and assist the regulated community in its compliance efforts.
Issue Summaries
Cal/OSHA Regulatory Roundup
Position:The CalChamber supports effective workplace safety policies and believes that such policies must be based on sound science, must be clearly drafted, and must be feasible to implement. The CalChamber also believes stakeholder input, even in times of crisis, is critical to drafting effective, successful regulations. Regarding COVID-19, the CalChamber supports a managed transition away from emergency-footing workplace precautions. The CalChamber will continue to advocate sound, effective, and feasible policy at Cal/OSHA in all rulemaking processes.
Related Issue: Workers’ Compensation
Cal/OSHA Emergency Regulation on COVID-19
Letter on COVID-19 Advisory Committee Comments (March 2, 2021)
Letter to Legislative Leaders (February 1, 2021)
Stakeholder Meeting Comment Letter (December 18, 2020)
Coalition Letter Asking OAL to Reject Emergency Regulation (November 25, 2020)
Coalition Letter (November 18, 2020)
Cal/OSHA Releases Draft COVID-19 Emergency Regulation (November 12, 2020)
Indoor Heat Illness
Coalition Comments on February 22, 2017 Discussion Draft (April 4, 2017)
Hotel Housekeeping Safety
Coalition Comments on February 23, 2016 Discussion Draft (March 22, 2016)
Major Victories
Prevented passage in 2018 of proposal creating unworkable requirements for providing hotel worker panic buttons (AB 1761).
Led coalition that stopped in 2016 a job killer bill exposing employers to a private right of action related to their Injury and Illness Prevention Program (AB 2895).
Backed 2016 veto of proposal creating uncertainty and potential delays for employers seeking variances from conveyance safety standards by creating expansive new notification requirements from employers to individuals who are not employees of the employer and who may not be known to the employer, in order to solve a narrow concern with variance applications for elevators (AB 1050).

Recent News
Workplace Safety Bills
Staff Contact
Robert Moutrie
Senior Policy Advocate
Education, Workplace Safety, Tourism, Unemployment Insurance, Immigration