Daily Headlines

Daily Headlines April 26, 2024

We scan major news sources* and compile selected articles to keep you up-to-date on current issues affecting California business – the economy, health care, environment, transportation and more. Receive Daily Headlines by Email

Today’s Top Story

Burdensome Utility Ratepayer Bill Fails Again in Senate Committee
California Chamber of Commerce-opposed legislation imposing burdensome and redundant reporting requirements that could lead to privacy concerns for employees failed to pass a Senate committee this week.

Top California News

  • Each California Region Tells a Different Job Story
    March was something of a hold-steady month for California’s labor market. The unemployment rate was unchanged, at 5.3%; employers added 28,300 jobs. On an annual basis, employment was up 1.2%—the same rate as a year ago. Concerns loom, however, as to why California’s jobs picture is not as strong as that of other states or the nation. Public Policy Institute of California (No subscription required)
  • Six California House Races That Could Help Determine Control of Congress
    Over 2,000 miles west of the nation’s Capitol, the battle for control of the House of Representatives in 2025 is being waged in farmland along Highway 99, fast-growing commuter communities north and east of Los Angeles and Orange County beach towns and inland suburbs. Los Angeles Times (Subscription required)
  • Rural Counties Far From Universities Struggle to Recruit Teachers
    Nine rural California counties, most struggling with student achievement and teacher recruitment, are in teacher education deserts, according to a report released Tuesday from the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. Alpine, Del Norte, Imperial, Inyo, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Sierra and Siskiyou counties do not have teacher preparation programs within 60 miles of their county offices of education, according to the report, “California’s Teacher Education Deserts: An Overlooked and Growing Equity Challenge.” EdSource (No subscription required)

Top National, International News

  • Blinken Meets With Xi as U.S. Pressures China to End Support for Russia
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Chinese leader Xi Jinping to cut back on his nation’s support for Russia’s defense industry during a meeting in the Chinese capital on Friday and warned that the U.S. was prepared to act if Beijing didn’t heed its concerns. The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required)

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