Unemployment Insurance


Issue Summary

Unemployment Insurance Fund

Position: California employers will face years of increased taxes due to the COVID-19 pandemic crashing the UI Fund. The California Chamber of Commerce supports future proposals to reduce the UI Fund’s insolvency and aid employers with the rising taxes that they are facing, and opposes measures that would increase employer taxes without protecting solvency.

Unemployment Insurance Fund

Major Victories

Worked with author to make bill requiring electronic filing of unemployment insurance tax returns less onerous than originally proposed (AB 1245 of 2015).

Stopped an unemployment insurance tax increase that would have created a disincentive to hire new employees by tripling the already-high unemployment insurance taxes on California employers without a proper analysis of what is needed to reform California’s broken unemployment insurance system (SB 222 of 2009).

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Staff Contact

Robert MoutrieRobert Moutrie
Senior Policy Advocate
Education, Workplace Safety, Tourism, Unemployment Insurance, Immigration