Letter to Readers


Letter to Readers

Public policies can have a profound effect on whether businesses succeed. Accordingly, this issues guide highlights how state policy makers can be part of Leading the Way to a More Prosperous California.

Affordability issues in areas ranging from housing to energy and taxation threaten progress on any prosperity agenda. This guide offers sensible, workable ideas to move forward, such as the following:

  • Reject new taxes, suspension of tax incentives, and hidden taxes that penalize employers for investing, hiring or producing in California, and that increase costs or reduce availability of products or services.
  • Mitigate future employer costs and hiring disincentives by repairing the Unemployment Insurance Fund deficit and reforming the program going forward to reduce costs and increase efficiencies.
  • Reform the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to reduce time-consuming and costly litigation that discourages or prevents construction of new housing, renewable energy projects, and critical water storage.
  • Ensure that further greenhouse gas mitigation measures are technology-neutral, cost-effective, and include system reliability and public safety as guiding principles.

We invite you to be part of the collaborative effort to make living and working in our state a good choice for more people.

Please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to stay informed on what your elected representatives are doing about California’s prosperity and to learn how you can influence the discussions.

Together we can make sure that Californians share in the prosperity produced by our collective efforts.