CalChamber Urges President to Sign Landmark Water Legislation
On Friday, the U.S. Senate voted 78-21 to pass CalChamber-supported federal water legislation, the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN) that will...
Trade Report: California Exports Resume Growth
California’s merchandise export trade resumed its growth trajectory in October, according to a recent trade report by Beacon Economics.
Growth posted a nominal 3.8% gain...
Appeals Court Rules that Project Consistency with GHG Plan Sufficient Under CEQA
A recent appeals court decision provides further guidance on what qualifies as an adequate greenhouse gas (GHG) impact analysis under the California Environmental Quality...
Court Blocks Federal Overtime Rule
Last week, a federal court in Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) from enforcing the new federal...
Panama Free Trade Commission Reports, U.S.-Panama Trade Agreement Implementation Moving Smoothly
Implementation of the trade agreement between the United States and Panama is going smoothly, trade officials for both nations reported after a recent meeting...
Six CalChamber Members Creating Jobs with Help from Tax Credit
Six California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) as recipients for the California...
Questions Remain for Implementing State-Run Retirement Savings Program
Numerous questions remain about how the new state-run retirement savings program will be implemented, but it is critical that everyone be educated about their roles to make the...
CalChamber Member E. & J. Gallo Winery Receives Recognition for Employee Culture
California Chamber of Commerce member E. & J. Gallo Winery was recently recognized by Glassdoor for its “awesome company culture.”
Glassdoor, a jobs and recruiting...
Trade Critical to California in U.S. Economy
International trade has come under attack in the recent presidential election campaign, and it is important for all to understand the significance that trade...
Vote Count Continuing: Moderate Dems Expand as Super Majority Returns to Assembly
An old saying, “It’s all over but the shouting” doesn’t necessarily apply to the final outcomes in a number of California legislative and congressional...
California Legalizes Marijuana Use, But Employers Can Still Keep Workplaces Drug Free
On Tuesday, California joined several other states in legalizing recreational use of marijuana by adults. Proposition 64, also known as the Adult Use of...
Voters Agree with CalChamber: Support Education, Health Care, and Legislative Reforms; Prop. 53 Trailing
California voters agreed with California Chamber of Commerce positions, passing CalChamber-supported Propositions 51, 52, 54 and 58, and rejecting Proposition 61. CalChamber-opposed Proposition 53...
Newspapers Statewide Oppose Proposition 61
As the General Election quickly approaches, newspapers statewide have editorialized against California Chamber of Commerce-opposed Proposition 61.
Proposition 61 prohibits the state from buying any...
Proposition 58: Newspapers Statewide Lend their Support
California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 58 has newspapers across the state publishing editorials urging a “yes” vote on the measure.
Proposition 58 amends and repeals...
CalChamber, Several Statewide Newspapers Oppose Proposition 55
Several newspapers have joined the California Chamber of Commerce in recommending a “no” vote on a ballot initiative that would extend Proposition 30 income...
Newspapers Statewide Endorse Proposition 54
With the November 8 General Election looming, newspapers statewide have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 54.
Proposition 54...
Numerous California Newspapers Endorse Proposition 52
With just a week until the General Election, newspapers up and down the state have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber...
CalChamber Backs Prop 51; Recommends Businesses Support Education Facilities Bond
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging its members to support Proposition 51, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of...
Governor Brown, Most California Newspapers Oppose Proposition 53
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and newspapers statewide are recommending that voters reject California Chamber of Commerce-opposed Proposition 53, which requires a statewide election...
CalChamber Participates in Equal Pay Task Force Meeting at Capitol
The California Pay Equity Task Force, created by the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, convened its third meeting this week...