Tag: Loren Kaye

Loren Kaye

Is Direct Democracy Under Attack in California?

Sometimes it seems that nobody likes California’s direct democracy — except the voters. Some legislators seem to resent it. During the last legislative session (and...
Loren Kaye

People’s Referendum Power Under Attack from Legislature

California voters are well acquainted with the initiative and recall, two of their three venerable political accountability powers. The former is a common feature...

It’s Time to Rebalance the Power Dynamic in California’s Schools

The best guess by state leaders—and fondest hope for parents—is that California public schools will fully reopen their campuses this fall to all students....
Loren Kaye

Legislature Passes Budget, Clearing the Way for Real Budget Negotiations

The Legislature fulfilled its constitutional obligation this week by approving a state budget just ahead of the June 15 deadline. But meeting the formal...
Loren Kaye

Everybody Talks About California’s Housing Crisis, But Nobody Will Solve It

There isn’t a politician, economist, social justice advocate or journalist who hasn’t viewed with alarm the unrelenting climb in housing prices and rents, the...
Loren Kaye

Uncertainty Hurts R&D Investment That’s Key to State Competitiveness

California’s innovation-based economy pays economic dividends not only in our traditional technology hubs, but in every region of the state and in a wide...

Revenue Surge Permits Huge Hike in Budget Plan

Relying on a “once in a lifetime” surge in state revenues, Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing a revised state budget for 2021–22 roughly $40...
Loren Kaye

California Employers Should Not Be the New Social Safety Net

The Super Bowl may be over, but that hasn’t stopped California labor unions and their allies from moving the goal posts. Currently, labor unions are...
Loren Kaye

Is Unaffordable California Still the Land of Economic Opportunity?

This article first appeared in The Sacramento Bee. California is the land of opportunity because we were opportunistic. By luck, agility or careful planning, we...

We’ll Need to Replace the Gas Tax in Transition to ZEVs

It’s full steam ahead for the Newsom administration’s zero-emission vehicle strategy. But this enthusiasm for a new generation of automobile technology may degrade the...
Loren Kaye

Still Awaiting Results from Billions in New Taxes for Homelessness, Lawmakers Want Businesses to...

It was only a year ago that Governor Gavin Newsom devoted his entire State-of-the-State address to the dual challenges of housing and homelessness, calling...

Governor’s Budget Proposes Economic Relief, No New Taxes

Nobody would have been surprised if Governor Gavin Newsom had presented his new state budget wearing a neck brace. The whiplash from budget boom...
Loren Kaye

California’s Challenge: Transforming Crisis to Opportunity

For much of our history, California was the land of opportunity because we were opportunistic. Whether by luck, agility or careful planning, we leveraged...

CalChamber Poll Shows Voters Want Sensible Policies, No New Taxes

Last week the California Chamber of Commerce reported that Californians are taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously, and expect their elected leaders to do the...

CalChamber Poll: Voters Serious about Addressing Pandemic Consequences

Californians are taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously, and expect their elected leaders to do the same. The sixth annual California Chamber of Commerce poll, The...

Two Days Post-Election: Wins and Trends

This election is one that seems like it will never end. However, there is one silver lining now that election day has passed: the...

Census Deadline Approaches

The unremitting pandemic and economic crises of 2020 have overshadowed what would normally have been a dominant event of community action: the decennial census....
Loren Kaye

Legislature Fumbles Chance to Boost Economic Recovery

The California Legislature fumbled a chance to boost economic recovery in the state by choosing the easy path: business-as-usual. Facing the three horsemen of the...
Loren Kaye

Legislature Should Stick to COVID-19 Priorities

Despite their leaders’ vow to concentrate their attention on the pandemic and economic crises, it’s business as usual at the California Legislature. In early spring,...

The People’s Voice: Coronavirus Edition

California voters are understandably anxious about the health and economic crises facing families and workplaces. The California Chamber of Commerce commissioned a brief survey...