CalChamber Continues Push for Trade, Cites Benefits
The U.S. House of Representatives agreed with the California Chamber of Commerce, voting 218-208 to renew the authority of the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative...
CalChamber Urges Senate to Support Congressional Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported resolution urging Congress to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is awaiting a vote by...
California Newspapers, Associations Oppose Job Killer Undermining Prop. 13
Two California newspapers editorialized over the weekend opposing SCA 5, a job killer bill that seeks to undermine the protections of Proposition 13 by...
CalChamber Applauds U.S. House for Passing Bipartisan Trade Promotion Bill; Urges Agreement on Trade...
On Friday, the United States House of Representatives passed the portion of the Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 that would renew...
Senate Policy Committee Passes Job Killer; Political Columnist Praises CalChamber Strategy
The Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee yesterday passed on a party-line vote a job killer bill that could significantly drive up litigation costs...
Senate Policy Committee to Hear Job Killer Bill Today
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers, if enacted, will be considered by the...
CalChamber, Broad Business Coalition Support Federal Ports Legislation
The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a large coalition of manufacturers, farmers and agribusinesses, wholesalers, retailers, importers, exporters, distributors, and transportation and logistics...
Economic Advisory Council: California Economy Maintains Momentum as Ports Bounce Back, Tax Revenues Surge
California’s economy appears to be maintaining strong momentum through the first few months of 2015, even though the state’s economy continues to be impacted...
CalChamber Stops Two More Job Killers on Assembly Floor
As the California State Legislature concluded its business June 4, two job killers failed to move off the Assembly Floor. The California Chamber of...
Senate Passes Two ‘Job Killer’ Bills; May Increase Fuel Costs, Regulatory Burdens
The Senate yesterday passed two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that, if signed into law, may increase costs for California businesses and...
CalChamber Urges U.S. House of Representatives to Pass Bipartisan Bill Promoting Trade
(June 3, 2015) The U.S. House of Representatives will consider federal legislation to renew the authority for the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative to...
CalChamber Forum Highlights Transatlantic, Trans-Pacific Relationships
U.S. relations with trading partners across the Atlantic and around the Pacific, as well as federal Trade Promotion Authority legislation were the topics of...
Two Job Killer Bills Held in Appropriations; Seven Move to Senate or Assembly Floors...
Twelve of the 19 job killer bills identified by the California Chamber of Commerce this year remain alive after Friday’s deadline for fiscal committees...
CalChamber Names Lodi, Torrance Business Owners as Small Business Advocates of the Year
Contact: Christine Haddon
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce honored business owners from Lodi and Torrance today with its “2015 Small Business Advocate...
CalChamber Urges Action on Bills Awaiting Assembly/Senate Votes
Many bills opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce have moved through legislative committees and could come to a vote of the entire Assembly...
CalChamber Board Member Crafts Song/Video to Inspire Gift to Veterans
Attorney George David Kieffer, a member of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, has composed and directed a song and video to...
Pro-Jobs, Ed Reform Candidate Steve Glazer Wins Senate Run-Off in East Bay Race
Steve Glazer, mayor of Orinda, emerged as the victor in the runoff race in an East San Francisco Bay Senate race defeating Assemblymember Susan...
Costly Employee Retention Mandate Job Killer on the Assembly Floor
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that denies employers the basic choice of whom to hire is awaiting a vote on the...
Trade Essential for Economic Growth, Jobs
California Exports: 229 Foreign Markets, More than 10% of U.S. Total
Making sure U.S. businesses—from light manufacturers to service providers—benefit from higher growth, employment and...
Air Board Asks Courts to Create New Tax
In a landmark case before the Third District Court of Appeal, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently argued for creation of an unprecedented...