
Voting Box

CalChamber Board Votes to Oppose Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative, Support Taxpayer Protection Ballot...

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors last week voted to oppose the California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative, which proposes a new...

California Unemployment Rate Holds Amid Inflation Worries

California’s unemployment rate held steady in January as the nation’s most populous state added 53,600 jobs in a sign the economy is slowly returning...
Alley of pink almond trees

Blue Diamond Almond Growers Sustain Family Farms, Feed Consumers Worldwide

This article is a part of a series of profiles of CalChamber member companies that are contributing to the state’s economic strength and ability...
Shop Owners

Local Chambers Help Businesses Thrive

Working together, the California Chamber of Commerce and local chambers of commerce are a solid force as advocates supporting business-friendly policies and helping California...
Trade Exports Global

U.S. Launches Programs to Combat Supply Chain Problems, Spur Manufacturing

The federal government has announced a number of programs and grants to help revitalize manufacturing and address supply chain problems in the United States. These...

Policy Briefing – How the Research & Development Tax Credit Drives California’s Economy

Moderated by Preston Young, CalChamber policy advocate. Matt Horton and Aaron Melaas from the Milken Institute on How the Research & Development Tax Credit Drives California’s...

Policy Briefing – California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA): Employee Data and Business-to-Business (B2B) Exemptions

Moderated by Ashley Hoffman, CalChamber policy advocate. Speaker: Ronak Daylami, Senior Counsel, Nielsen Merksamer
Tejon Ranch

Tejon Ranch: Land Steward Provides Housing, Jobs, Conservation

Note: With this article, the California Chamber of Commerce begins a series of profiles of member companies that are contributing to the state’s economic...

New Website Launched for PAGA Reform Initiative

(Website relocated. Visit to contribute and FixPAGA to learn more about the need to fix PAGA and sign up for campaign updates.) A new...
Keely Martin Bosler, Director of the California Department of Finance

Calif. Finance Director Says Budget Windfall Gives State Opportunity to Invest in Its Future

California’s revenues and economic conditions have continued to improve, enabling the state to address some of its greatest threats, such as climate change, the...
Loren Kaye

Governor Newsom has Proposed the Fourth State Budget of His Term, and It’s a...

The proposed budget tops out at more than a quarter-trillion dollars, larger than the entire economies of Vietnam, the Czech Republic or Portugal. The...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Issues Statement on Governor’s Budget Proposal

CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera today responded to Governor Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal with the following statement: “CalChamber commends Governor Newsom for taking decisive...

State Finance Director to Review Governor’s 2022 Budget in Free Webinar

Update: Calif. Finance Director Says Budget Windfall Gives State Opportunity to Invest in Its Future, January 13, 2022 Finance Director Keely Martin Bosler will be outlining...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Board Votes to Oppose Tax Cut and Housing Affordability Act

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has voted to oppose The Tax Cut and Housing Affordability Act of 2022, which proposes a...
Loren Kaye

State Leaders Should Use Budget Surplus to Restore Tax Incentives, Repay UI Debt

Only 18 months ago, expecting a massive pandemic-induced collapse of economic activity, California finance officials predicted a staggering $54 billion state budget deficit. The...
Safety public guard

The People’s Voice: Voters Anxious About Public Safety

Last week we reported about California voters’ deep concerns over an increasing cost of living and the fear of falling further behind. Eighty-five percent...
House Property Tax, Calculator

Voice of the People: Economic Security Top of Mind for Voters

Increasing cost of living and fear of falling further behind add up to California voters apprehensive about their future. The seventh annual CalChamber poll,...
A set of seats

State Opens Grant Program for Live Venues Hit by COVID-19

From October 29 through November 19, the state is accepting grant applications from independent live event venues that have been affected by the pandemic. The California...
Suitcases, Airplane

California, U.S. Open to Foreign Travelers Starting Nov. 8

California’s tourism industry is anxiously awaiting the day when international travelers will be able to again visit the United States. And that day will...
American Capitol Building

CalChamber, Coalition Urge Congress to Reject Tax Increases on Businesses to Pay for Reconciliation...

A coalition of business groups, including the California Chamber of Commerce, is urging the California Congressional Delegation to reject proposals in Congress to increase...