Tag: Oppose Bills

California State Capitol Dome

Job Killer Bills Miss Key Deadline, 1 Job Killer Amended Down

Three of the five remaining California Chamber of Commerce Job Killer bills missed Friday’s deadline to pass the house in which they were introduced. Although...

CalChamber Raises Concerns with Anti-Business Legislation; Proposals Stall for the Year

Five California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills have missed key deadlines and are dead for the year. In addition, a bill that the CalChamber had...

New Paper Raises Concerns with Proposal to Tax Internet Links

Proposed legislation to tax internet providers for sharing news stories will create new barriers to access information and “break the fundamental structure of the...

Assembly Weighs Proposal to Ban Political Contributions

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposal to ban political contributions from certain business entities awaits action by the state Assembly. AB 83 (Lee; D-San Jose)...
California Capitol

CalChamber Opposition Helps Stop 3 Job Killers, Other Harmful Proposals

Governor Gavin Newsom laid down his lawmaking pen Friday night after signing 890 new laws into effect, and vetoing another 156, including three California...

ACA 1 Would Expand Tax Burden on Californians, Increase Cost of Living

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that lowers the voter threshold for increasing taxes on property owners is scheduled to be heard this morning...

SB 253 Will Drive Up Consumer Prices, Hand Market Advantage to Out-of-State and Foreign...

The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad coalition of organizations are urging legislators to reject an onerous emissions tracking and paperwork requirement that...

CalChamber-Opposed State-Run Health Care Bill Is Costly, Would Disrupt Californians’ Health Care

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that launches the state toward establishing an expensive and untested state-run health care system has been placed on...

CalChamber-Opposed Climate Reporting Bills Create Challenges for Businesses

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that will burden California's businesses by imposing onerous and unnecessary climate-related reporting requirements await action by the Assembly...

SB 770 Paves the Way for Massive Tax Increases

A proposal moving its way through the Legislature seeks to eliminate Medicare in California and pave the way for massive tax increases on California...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Scheduled to Be Heard in Committees Today

Several California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills are scheduled to be heard in legislative committees today: one bill, SB 683, creates rules around hotel and...
California Capitol

Legislative Update: Governor Vetoes 6 CalChamber-Opposed Bills, Signs 6 Supported Bills

Governor Gavin Newsom took action on the bills remaining on his desk Friday, ultimately vetoing six CalChamber-opposed bills and signing six CalChamber-supported bills into...

CalChamber Urges Governor to Veto LA County Tax Increase Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would increase the cost of living in Los Angeles County and hurt working families is awaiting action...

CalChamber Urges Governor to Veto New Water Quality Permit Requirement Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that could subject a wide range of businesses and other facilities, such as office buildings, warehouses, hospitals, and...

AB 257 Amendments Raise Significant Concerns, Including Whether the Council’s Broad Authority is Constitutional

For the first time ever, an unelected council will both set sweeping standards for a specific industry’s wages, hours, and working conditions that prevail...

Fiscal Committee Recap: 2 Job Killers Amended, Many Harmful Bills Move On

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce helped to secure amendments that removed some of the most onerous aspects of two job killer...

CalChamber Opposes Bill Jeopardizing State’s Music Industry

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would deliver a massive blow to the state’s music industry and drive talent and jobs out of...

Added Burdens for Hard-Hit Hospitality Industry Vetoed

Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed legislation opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce that would have imposed additional burdens and costs on the lodging...

CalChamber, Allied Groups Help Stop 7 Oppose Bills, Amend 4

California Chamber of Commerce policy advocates working alongside advocates from allied business groups succeeded in stopping seven CalChamber-opposed bills from advancing for the year,...

CalChamber Seeks Defeat of Proposal Limiting Technological Development

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging senators to oppose legislation that proposes to limit the technology needed to reach the state’s carbon neutrality...