Ben Golombek

Ben Golombek
Ben Golombek joined the California Chamber of Commerce on January 17, 2022 as executive vice president and chief of staff for policy. In this role, Golombek heads the CalChamber policy staff, providing strategic oversight and management of CalChamber’s legislative and regulatory priorities. Most recently, Golombek served as the West Region vice president for public affairs for AT&T. He previously served as chief of staff to three members of the California State Assembly and worked at Los Angeles City Hall as deputy city controller, communications director for a city councilmember and deputy press secretary for Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Golombek graduated from Northwestern University, has an M.B.A. from the University of California, Davis, and completed the prestigious Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs. See full bio

CalChamber-Opposed Autonomous Vehicle Bill Held

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed legislation creating a patchwork of potentially conflicting rules for autonomous vehicles has been put on hold for the year. The bill,...

CalChamber Opposes Bill Impeding Progress on Broadband for All

Legislation that slows broadband deployment is being opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce and associations committed to preventing digital discrimination of access to...

CalChamber Recommendations for California’s Climate General Obligation Bond

The California Chamber of Commerce recently submitted recommendations for changes to a potential general obligation bond measure being considered by the California Legislature that...

CalChamber-Opposed Bill Raising Internet Costs Stalls

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have raised internet service costs has stalled in the California Legislature and is likely dead for...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills on Political Contributions, Non-Compete Contracts, Renewable Hydrogen Dead for the Year

Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills have stalled in the California Assembly and are dead for the year. The bills are: AB 83 (Lee; D-San...

Assembly Weighs Proposal to Ban Political Contributions

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposal to ban political contributions from certain business entities awaits action by the state Assembly. AB 83 (Lee; D-San Jose)...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Mental Health Care Package

Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed legislation that will help provide the resources needed to care for and house those with the most severe mental...

CalChamber Supported Bill Helps Voters, Clarifies Local Bond Measures

Californians regularly face local ballot measures proposing general obligation bonds to pay for parks, schools, and other local facilities—paid for by increasing local property...

Legislation Attacks State’s Direct Democracy System

Legislation that will take away Californians’ ability to vote on their legislators’ actions will be considered this week by the Assembly Elections Committee. The bill,...
2022 Job Killer List

End of Session Update: 2 Rushed Climate-Related Job Killer Bills Await Action

Two California Chamber of Commerce job killer bills that will lead to excessive costs and jeopardize thousands of high paying jobs in the state...

CalChamber Adds Threat to State Oil/Gas Employment to Job Killer List

Legislation threatening state oil and gas development operations and employment in related industries has been added to the job killer list. SB 1137 (Lena Gonzalez;...

CalChamber Tags Rushed Climate Change Bill a Job Killer

The California Chamber of Commerce has labeled a last-minute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction proposal a job killer. The bill, AB 2133 (Quirk; D-Hayward), was...
environmental blocks

CalChamber Urges Careful Deliberation on Governor’s Contentious Climate Package

The time remaining in the legislative session is inadequate for the necessary full discussion of the climate proposals the Governor issued last week, the...

Chamber Coalition Announces Support of CARE Court Proposal

Yesterday, the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition made up of 21 chambers of commerce announced their support of a proposal to establish...