
CalChamber Urges Governor to Veto Job Killer Bill Imposing Onerous Return to Work Mandate

A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that removes business’ flexibility and autonomy over hiring is awaiting action by the Governor. The CalChamber is...

CalChamber Requests Veto of Bill That Creates New Private Right of Action on Grocery...

The California Chamber of Commerce is requesting the Governor veto a job killer bill that creates a new private right of action against and...
Loren Kaye

Job Killer Bill Creates New Protected Class of Employees; Costly to Implement, Especially for...

No legislative session would be complete without a proposal to add more job benefits and protections for California workers. This year is no exception,...

CalChamber Urges Veto on Job Killer Bill That Disproportionally Affects Small Business

A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that will impose significant costs on all California businesses by increasing the number of paid sick...
The Workplace Podcast

Key Employment Law Bills Awaiting Gubernatorial Action, Part 2

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, employment law expert Matthew Roberts and Chris Micheli, partner with Aprea & Micheli, Inc., join up again...
Loren Kaye

Providing UI Benefits to Striking Workers Makes Debt Crisis Worse, Pushes Taxes Higher

California employers would be forced to subsidize striking workers, and probably see their taxes increased, under a bill passed by the Legislature and awaiting...
The Workplace Podcast

California Legislature Passes Bills on Discrimination in Employment, Paid Sick Leave Expansion, Reproductive-Related Bereavement...

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, employment law expert Matthew Roberts and Chris Micheli, adjunct professor at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge...
California State Capitol Dome

End of Session Update: 6 CalChamber Job Killer Bills Head to Governor

California legislators yesterday approved six bills designated by the California Chamber of Commerce as job killers, which will increase labor costs and create more...

Proposed California Constitutional Amendment Tips Balance Against Voters on Tax Ballot Measures

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that amends the California Constitution to limit the ability of voters to reduce taxes faces a critical vote in...

Senate Passes CalChamber Job Killer Bill That Creates Broad Protected Class, Exposes Employers to...

The California Senate yesterday approved a California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that creates a broad “family caregiver status” under the Fair Employment...

Who Is Unemployed in California?

Despite signs of strength in California’s economy, unemployment has ticked up, including a surprising drop in employment among men and new patterns across age...
Speakers at CalChamber international breakfast on APEC

Panelists Offer Thoughts on Upcoming Asia-Pacific Leaders Summit

Representatives from three of the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) described for a California Chamber of Commerce audience on September...

ACA 1 Would Expand Tax Burden on Californians, Increase Cost of Living

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that lowers the voter threshold for increasing taxes on property owners is scheduled to be heard this morning...

Bill Extending UI Funds to Striking Workers Increases Taxes on All California Employers

A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that will increase unemployment insurance (UI) taxes to subsidize striking workers passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee...

Governor Orders California Agencies to Study AI Uses, Risks

Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed an executive order to study the development, use, and risks of artificial intelligence (AI) technology throughout California, and to...

Contract Between West Coast Dockworkers, Employers Safeguards Economic Gains for All

Finally … and just in time for Labor Day … dockworkers on the U.S. West Coast voted on Thursday, August 31 to ratify a...

CalChamber-Supported Bills Will Help Provide Much-Needed Care for Severely Mentally Ill Californians

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting a legislative package that proposes to transform California’s behavioral health care system and provide the resources needed...

California Governor Signs Executive Order to Help Prepare Students, Workers for High-Paying Careers

California Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed an executive order launching a new career education effort to prepare students and adults for the workforce of...
California State Capitol Dome

7 CalChamber Job Killer Bills Face Key Legislative Deadline Tomorrow

Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated the CalChamber is opposed to AB 853 (Maienschein; D-San Diego). The CalChamber is neutral on...

Coalition Urges Rejection of Air District Proposal to Cap Cargo at LA, Long Beach...

Proposed Rule Will Hurt California Jobs, Emission Reduction Goals   The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is considering a detrimental rule that would limit...