Governor, Mexico Foreign Minister Tout Longstanding Mexico-California Ties
Longstanding historical, cultural and commercial ties between Mexico and California were in the spotlight yesterday at the luncheon hosted by the California Chamber of...
California Supreme Court Decides Commission Issue
A recent California Supreme Court ruling interprets how to apply a key test to determine whether a commissioned inside sales employee is exempt from...
Commerce Officials Give Update on U.S. Program to Boost Investment
Economic development organizations in California and across the nation can turn to a program within the U.S. Department of Commerce for help in attracting,...
Split Roll Bill Dead in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee
Job Killer Would Have Increased Costs for Businesses and Consumers
Contact: Denise Davis
SACRAMENTO, CA – An opposition effort headed by the California Chamber of Commerce...
CalChamber in Court: State High Court Decisions: One Victory, One Mixed
One decision issued by the California Supreme Court this week marked a victory for the business perspective on defibrillators, while the second was a...
Draft Proposition 65 Warning Regulations Will Increase Uncertainty, Litigation
Pre-regulatory draft changes proposed to the state’s Proposition 65 regulations by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) will increase business uncertainty and...
California Roads, Highways Losing Their Financial Base
The primary tax source to maintain and improve our state’s transportation infrastructure has been eroding for many years. The excise tax paid on each...
CalChamber International Forum: Strong Trade Opportunities Essential for State to Compete in Global Market
The importance of trade to the California economy was the focus of an international forum hosted by the California Chamber of Commerce in observance...
Fully Funded Court System Essential to State’s Economic Success
Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee
As the Legislature begins the last few weeks of deliberations on the state’s 2014-15 budget priorities, what should the...
Four Receive CalChamber Small Business Advocate of the Year Award
Contact: Christine Haddon
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Fresno, Redondo Beach, San Francisco and Turlock today with its...
Commentary: Exports Key to Economic Growth, Jobs
Perennial Leader California Accounts for More than 10% of U.S. Exports
U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker has kicked off World Trade Month 2014 by reiterating...
New Law Supports Job Creation in California’s Space Industry
Cross posted with the Los Angeles News Group
Recently, Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 777, by Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, D-Torrance, a bill that will help...
North American Trade Pact: Opportunities for Improvement 20 Years Later
Twenty years after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into force, trade among the United States, Canada and Mexico has increased and...
CalChamber Files Friend-of-Court Briefs to Defend Workers’ Compensation Reforms
The California Chamber of Commerce is defending major provisions of workers’ compensation reform legislation and working to ensure fairness in friend-of-the-court briefs filed...
CalChamber Joins Labor Commissioner, Labor to Launch Wage Theft Education Campaign
The California Chamber of Commerce joined California Labor Commissioner Julie A. Su and the California Labor Federation yesterday in announcing the start of a...
Civics and Business: Business Relies on Population Educated in Democracy
Cross posted in the San Jose Mercury News
Why should business leaders and innovators care about civics education? After all, consumers don't need to be...
CalChamber Issues Statement on Special Session to Strengthen Rainy Day Fund
Contact: Christine Haddon
SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement on Governor Edmund G....
Bill Keeping State Competitive in Aerospace Flies Through Senate
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that ensures California remains a competitive environment for an emerging multibillion-dollar industry passed the Senate Appropriations Committee with...
CalChamber Urges Action on Immigration Reform
Last week, the House Republican conference released its Standards for Immigration Reform.These principles call for a fix to our nation’s immigration system and acknowledge...
Federal Bill Extends President’s Authority to Negotiate Free Trade Agreements
The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting legislation introduced in Congress this week to renew the authority of the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative...