Assembly Committee Passes Government Data Breach Requirements
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that requires government entities to provide protection when personal information is part of a data breach unanimously passed...
Normalized Relations with Cuba Could Open Trade Opportunities for U.S., State
The potential for changed relations with Cuba to open economic and trade opportunities for U.S. and California companies was the subject of a lively...
State Economy Strengthens in Face of Port, Drought, Domestic Outmigration Challenges
California’s economy continues to power forward, with many of the Golden State’s largest and most important industries gaining momentum over the course of 2014,...
CalChamber in Court: Don’t Make One Employer Liable for Another’s Independent Contractor Misclassification
Also signing the brief in the case of Noe v. Superior Court were the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Civil Justice Association of...
CalChamber Member Companies Among Fortune Magazine’s 50 Best Workplaces
Seven California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been ranked among the “50 Best Small and Medium-Size Companies to Work For” by Fortune magazine.
CalChamber Backs Bill to Reduce Overwarning Under Proposition 65
The California Chamber of Commerce and large coalition of small businesses, trade associations and local chambers are supporting a bill that promotes using a...
California Supreme Court Issues Key CEQA Decision
The California Supreme Court ruled this week that evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment does not, in and...
Port Slowdown Highlights Need for Passage of Trade Promotion Authority
The recent port slowdown made headlines across the country and is estimated to have cost the national economy about $2 billion a day. And, no...
Capitol Coffee Break: Late for Work?
Every now and then, the morning just doesn’t go right and you wind up running late for work. Being late to work is the...
CalChamber Joins Water Security Coalition
The California Chamber of Commerce is one of the initial partners in a new coalition that is working to promote the Governor’s proposed fix...
Ports Increasingly Bustling Again After Tentative Labor Deal
The seaports of the West Coast went from lagging to bustling over the weekend, a process that is expected to accelerate Monday in the...
Stay Informed with CalChamber Alert App Version 2.0
A new version of the California Chamber of Commerce Alert app is available for download now.
Besides a new look, Version 2.0 gives readers the...
CalChamber Capitol Report: California and U.S. Set New Export Record
Newly released trade statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce revealed another record-breaking year in exports for California and the United States.
“With more than...
AB 60 Driver’s License and I-9 Requirements
As a result of AB 60 legislation, the Department of Motor Vehicles began issuing driver’s licenses in January of this year to persons who...
CalChamber in Court: Urges State Supreme Court to Review Independent Contractor Test
The California Chamber of Commerce has filed a letter brief with the California Supreme Court urging it to review and decide what test should...
CalChamber Urges Congress to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank to Boost Economy
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members of the California congressional delegation to support a newly introduced bill that reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank...
California U.S. Senators Send Letter Urging Resolution to Port Dispute
U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein yesterday sent a letter to the presidents of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific...
CalChamber Urges State Agency to Fight Lawsuit Attacking Prop. 65 Lead Standard
The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of businesses and trade associations are urging the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment...
Capitol Report: CalChamber Voices Support for Transatlantic Partnership Agreement
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging United States and European Union leaders to advance the largest regional trading and investment relationship in the...
Unwarranted Emergency Regulation Will Drive Up Health Care Costs
Last week the California Chamber of Commerce formally objected to a proposed emergency regulation that may jeopardize the quality and value of health insurance...