
Job Killer Update: CalChamber Identifies Two More Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified two additional job killers. This brings the list total to 24 bills. Gut and Amend SB 654 (Jackson; D-Santa...

Job Killer Bill on Assembly Floor

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that erodes housing affordability is on the Assembly Floor. SB 1150 (Leno; D-San Francisco) has been identified...
CalChamber Advocacy

Appropriations Committees Clear Suspense Files; One Job Killer, One Job Creator Move to Floor

Yesterday was the deadline for fiscal committees to send bills in their second house to the floor. One job killer bill passed to the...

Assembly to Consider Proposal Interfering with Contract Enforcement

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that interferes with the enforcement of contracts is awaiting action by the Assembly. SB 1241 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont) undermines judicial...

Coalition Seeks Feedback on Generalized System of Preferences Renewal

July 29 marked the one-year anniversary of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program going back into effect. The California Chamber of Commerce was...

Burdensome Reporting for Beverage Makers Moves

The Senate fiscal committee last week passed a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill imposing new and unnecessary costs and burdens on beverage manufacturers without...

15 CalChamber Member Companies Land on Orange County Top Workplaces List

Fifteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies were featured in the Orange County Business Journal “Best Places to Work in Orange County” rankings this...

Double-Pay Holiday Bill on Senate Floor

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unfairly targets two classifications of employers, increases their costs, and creates a competitive disadvantage by forcing them...

Job Killer Vote Record: Key Wins; Battles Remain

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of commerce and allies has stopped a number of job killer bills, including two that failed in Assembly...
CalChamber Advocacy

Business-Opposed Job Killer Bills Will Face Final Test Next Month

Dan Walters in The Sacramento  When the Legislature reconvenes next week for the final month of its biennial session, it will decide the fate of...

Experienced Litigator Joins CalChamber Advocacy Team

Karen Sarkissian, former partner in a nationally recognized firm of successful trial attorneys, has joined the California Chamber of Commerce as a policy advocate...

NLRB Expands Ability of Temp Workers to Organize

Following on the heels of last year’s expansive Browning-Ferris decision that redefined the joint-employer standard, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has now issued a...

Report: U.S., California Largest Recipients of Foreign Direct Investment

The United States is the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI), according to a recent report released by the U.S. Department of...

Three Job Creator Bills Still Alive for Final Month of Session

The Legislature will consider three California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills when they return from summer recess. One bill is scheduled to be considered by...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Bill

UPDATE -Governor Brown signed AB 2535: Late this morning Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that clarifies the...

Five CalChamber Members Creating Jobs with Help from Tax Credit

Five California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) as recipients for the...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Reports on Status of Major Business Bills

Numerous business priorities remain to be considered when legislators reconvene after their summer recess, according to the California Chamber of Commerce summary of the...

CalChamber President Issues Statement on Passing of Senator Sharon Runner

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement on the passing of Senator Sharon Runner: “Senator...

28 CalChamber Member Companies Among Best Workplaces in San Francisco Bay Area

Twenty-eight California Chamber of Commerce member companies were recently selected as among the “Best Places to Work” in the Bay Area by the San...

Job Killer Update: Bill Eroding Housing Affordability Stopped

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer that would have eroded housing affordability is likely dead for the year following the recent legislative deadline for policy...