Upcoming Webinar on Transitioning Employees Back into the Workplace

Almost a year has passed since California’s COVID-19 lockdown. Offices and jobsites are on the brink of reopening, and businesses are ready to bring their remote employees back to the workplace.

“Many employers are finding that there are aspects of the physical workplace that cannot be replicated at home. Some departments simply work better when people are back in the office and collaborating in person,” explains Erika Frank, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel.

While employees may be eager to return to the office, they may also be concerned about their health and safety. Many employees may just refuse to come in. What are California’s do’s and don’ts on this, and what are the workplace safety and personnel issues that businesses must be aware of and think about before, during and after the transition?

CalChamber’s 90-minute webinar offers answers and guidance. Our California legal experts will discuss important considerations and provide key takeaways for businesses planning to reopen. Topics will include:

  • The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) workplace safety requirements and necessary precautions
  • California COVID-19 notification, reporting and leave laws
  • Local COVID-19 sick leave ordinances
  • Hiring and onboarding considerations
    • How to bring back temporarily laid off employees
    • Recruiting practices for new hires
  • Managing employee questions, expectations and fears about returning to the office
  • COVID-19 testing and vaccination considerations
  • Addressing employees with children who are still distance learning

Webinar: Bringing Your California Employees Back to the Workplace

A recording of the webinar is available at https://store.calchamber.com/10032203-web10/training/recorded-webinars/bringing-your-california-employees-back-to-the-workplace 

This webinar is approved for 1.5 HRCI recertification, SHRM Professional Development and MCLE credits. Your webinar purchase includes a recorded version that’s available after the live event.

The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.