Tag: Small Business

CalChamber Advocacy

Governor Signs SB 616: CalChamber Issues Statement Alerting Small Businesses to New Requirement, Increased...

The California Chamber of Commerce today issued the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s signing of SB 616, a CalChamber-tagged Job Killer...

It’s National Small Business Week: A Time to Recognize the Hard Work of Small...

This week is National Small Business Week: An annual event that recognizes the hard work, ingenuity and dedication of America’s small businesses, and celebrates their...

CalChamber Seeks Outstanding Small Business Leaders

The California Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for its annual Small Business Advocate of the Year Award. The award recognizes small business owners who...
Sick Leave

Budget: CalChamber Backs COVID Sick Leave Grants

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting the Governor’s budget proposal to allocate $250 million for relief grants to help small businesses and nonprofits...

Extending CalCompetes Is Key to Job Growth and State-Wide Investments

The COVID-19 Pandemic triggered the deepest recession since the Great Depression. But just as the economic toll was steep, so is our economic recovery. ...
Small Business Week

California Celebrates National Small Business Week

As the country observes National Small Business Week, the California Chamber of Commerce joins in honoring the state’s small businesses, many of which are...
Shop Owners

Local Chambers Help Businesses Thrive

Working together, the California Chamber of Commerce and local chambers of commerce are a solid force as advocates supporting business-friendly policies and helping California...

Rebate Program Aims to Help Businesses Explore Global Markets

Companies that do business internationally or seeking to start may want to consider saving time and money by signing up for the ATA Carnet,...

CalChamber Members Answer Oakland African American Chamber Call to Support Resiliency Fund to Help...

When the coronavirus pandemic hit last year and local small businesses struggled to survive, the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce (OAACC) launched a...
Virtual Coffee Chat with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio

Virtual Coffee Chat with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio

https://player.vimeo.com/video/513161316?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 Virtual Coffee Chat with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (February 12, 2021) CalChamber Executive Vice President Jennifer Barrera moderates a virtual coffee chat with Assemblymember Blanca Rubio. Moderated by Jennifer...

CalChamber Joins Secretary of State in Unveiling Online Business Filing Tools

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg joined Secretary of State Alex Padilla at a CalChamber news conference on May 8 to...

Parental Leave Mandate Hurts Small Business

By Jennifer Barrera in The San Diego Union-Tribune One of the things keeping state legislators busy in Sacramento right now is a shortsighted attempt to impose...

Job Killer Update: New Bill Mandates California-Only Beverage Labeling

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job killer bill that mandates state-only labeling requirements for sugar-sweetened drinks. SB 300 (Monning; D-Carmel) establishes...
Job Creators

Assembly Policy Committee to Hear Job Creator Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing small businesses with the tools and resources needed to comply with California’s regulations will be...

11 CalChamber Member Companies Land on Best Places to Work List

Eleven California Chamber of Commerce member companies in the Sacramento region were recognized as some of the best places to work for in 2016. The...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Bill Improving Disability Access

Governor Edmund Brown Jr. has signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will help businesses assess whether commercial rental property is compliant with...

CalChamber Stops 19 Job Killer Bills

As the 2016 legislative session came to a close late Wednesday, 19 of 24 identified job killer bills had been effectively stopped through efforts...

Assembly Passes Agriculture Overtime Bill

The Assembly yesterday passed a bill that could drive up costs of commodities to consumers by removing the existing overtime exemption allowed for agricultural...

SB 654 is Attack on Small Business; CalChamber Issues Call to Action

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging small business owners to contact their legislators and the Governor to express strong opposition to SB 654...

CalChamber, Linked Learning Alliance Form Network to Help Youth Find Jobs

The California Chamber of Commerce and the Linked Learning Alliance have launched a California network of employer associations committed to advancing youth opportunities and...