Tag: International Trade
Mexico Chief Negotiator Provides Insight on USMCA at CalChamber Lunch
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a “wide, forward-looking agreement” that brought some of the best minds to the negotiating table, Dr. Jesús Seade Kuri,...
USMCA Passes Senate, Awaits President Trump’s Signature
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) passed the U.S. Senate this morning and the deal is now awaiting President Donald J. Trump’s signature.
California Senator Dianne Feinstein...
CalChamber Welcomes House of Representatives Vote to Approve USMCA
The California Chamber of Commerce today welcomed news that the United States House of Representatives voted to approve the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
“It’s about time...
Exports of California-Made Products Up, Re-Exports Fall by 20%
Exports of goods produced by California manufacturers and farmers increased by 3.6% compared to the same period last year, according to the latest international...
CalChamber Supports Newly Reached U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Deal
The California Chamber of Commerce welcomes the December 10 indication that the Trump administration and the U.S. Congress have reached agreement to move forward on...
Longtime Banking Executive/China Hand Describes Challenges of Doing Business in Transitional China
An “on-the-ground” update on doing business in China was presented last Friday at the CalChamber Council for International Trade breakfast by Ken Petrilla, the...
Trade Group Recognizes CalChamber’s Susanne Stirling as ‘Outstanding Woman of the Year in International...
California Chamber of Commerce Vice President of International Affairs Susanne Stirling yesterday was presented with the “Outstanding Woman of the Year in International Trade”...
CalChamber, Business Leaders Join Lt. Governor in Trade Delegation to Mexico
A delegation of California business and state agencies led by Lieutenant Governor Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis traveled to Mexico City for a trade mission to advance...
GO-Biz Adviser Outlines Strategy to Enhance State’s Global Competitiveness
Leveraging existing programs is central to the administration’s strategy for improving California’s global trade competitiveness, according to the recently named senior international adviser at...
CalChamber Urges CA Congressional Delegation to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members to ask California’s Congressional Delegation to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. As Congress returns to Washington, DC...
CalChamber, Japan Business Leaders Note Longstanding Trade/Investment Partnership
An annual meeting between the California Chamber of Commerce and Japan business leaders highlighted California’s continuing interdependence with one of its largest trade and...
Importance of Tourism, Trade, and Other State Issues Take Center Stage at International Forum
California’s top issues, including tourism’s impact on the state, and federal initiatives to facilitate Indo-Pacific trade took center stage at the California Chamber of...
Strong California Economy, Jobs Depend on Worldwide Free Trade, Investment
With trade being a top tier national issue, the California Chamber of Commerce continues to communicate its international trade priorities to secure a national...
CalChamber Reiterates Support for U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
The California Chamber of Commerce reminded the state’s representatives in Congress this week of the importance of the pending U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to the...
U.S. Senators Vote to Unleash Full Potential of Export-Import Bank After Nearly 4 Years
In a bipartisan vote last week, the U.S. Senate confirmed three members for the Export-Import Bank Board of Directors to restore the export credit...
CalChamber Luncheon Highlights Challenges, Opportunities of Mexico-California Relationship
An international luncheon forum at the California Chamber of Commerce provided historical context and insights into the U.S. and California relationship with Mexico.
The Automobile...
CalChamber Urges U.S. Senators to Unleash Full Potential of Export-Import Bank
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members to ask California’s two U.S. senators to support restoring a quorum to the Export-Import Bank.
On Thursday,...
CalChamber Luncheon Focuses on Understanding Brexit
Brexit is the latest phenomenon in the western world presently characterized by shock and schism, a leading scholar explained yesterday at the California Chamber...
Multitude of Irish-U.S./California Trade, Investment Ties in Spotlight
The strong trade and investment links between Ireland and the United States, as well as California, were celebrated last week at a California Chamber...
California Still a Top Exporting State
The U.S. Department of Commerce now has 2018 trade statistics available through the International Trade Administration’s (ITA) “Trade Stats Express.”
In 2018, California exported $178.4...