
Air Board Asks Courts to Create New Tax

In a landmark case before the Third District Court of Appeal, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently argued for creation of an unprecedented...

Governor Holds Steady on Prudent Spending Plan

Warning that a recession is inevitable, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. dampened spending expectations even as higher revenues have poured into state coffers. Overall, the...
Job Creators

Senate Judiciary Passes CalChamber-Supported Job Creator Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that incentivizes disability access and education passed one Senate policy committee yesterday and will be heard...

CalChamber Vice President Appointed by Governor to International Trade and Investment Advisory Council

Susanne Stirling, California Chamber of Commerce vice president for international affairs has been appointed to the International Trade and Investment Advisory Council by Governor...

Two CalChamber Job Creator Bills in Policy Committee Monday

​Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills will be heard in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee today. AB 35 (Chiu; D-San Francisco)...

Some Job Creator Bills Survive First Deadline

​A handful of California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills remain eligible to advance in the legislative process this year following key deadlines. Last Friday,...

Job Killer Watch: CalChamber Identifies 19th Job Killer Bill​​​​

Contact: Denise Davis SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today added AB 1357 (Bloom; D-Santa Monica) to its job killer list, bringing the...

Assembly Labor and Employment Committee Passes Two Job Killer Bills

The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee yesterday voted to pass two job killer bills that will lead to increased litigation. The committee passed: AB 359...

CalChamber Luncheon Spotlights Trade/Investment Opportunities in Mexico, California​

Trade and investment opportunities in Mexico and California were the topic of discussion yesterday at the California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum as...

Two Job Killers in Assembly Labor and Employment Committee This Week

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills will be considered by the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee on Wednesday. AB 359 (Gonzalez; D-San...

Bill Undermining Workers’ Comp Reforms Goes to Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that undermines cost-saving workers’ compensation reforms will be considered next by the full Senate. SB 563 (Pan;...

​Soda Warning Bill Fails in Senate Committee​​​​​

Legislation to require warnings on certain sugar-sweetened beverages sold in California fell short of votes needed to pass the Senate Health Committee this week. The...

CalChamber-Backed Regulatory Reform Bills Move in Legislature

Three bills supported by the California Chamber of Commerce to provide regulatory relief to California businesses passed legislative policy committees yesterday. AB 12 (Cooley; D-Rancho...

Senate Committee to Consider Job Killers Increasing Environmental Regulatory Burden; CalChamber Adds Bill to...

Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that increase the burden of environmental regulations will be considered in a Senate policy committee today,...

CalChamber Urges Quick Passage of Bipartisan U.S. Bill Promoting Trade​​​​​

Federal legislation renewing the authority for the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate trade agreements has been introduced. The California Chamber of Commerce...

Job Killer Watch: CalChamber Identifies 18th Job Killer Bill

Contact: Denise Davis SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Chamber of Commerce today added SB 654 (de León) to its job killer list, bringing the total...

Assembly Policy Committee to Hear Job Killers Limiting In-State Energy Development​​​​​​​​​

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that limit in-state energy development will be heard in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee today. Limits...

Assembly Policy Committee Passes Job Killer Bill Imposing Scheduling Mandate on Employers

The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee yesterday passed a job killer bill imposing a one-size-fits-all scheduling mandate on general retail employers. AB 357 (Chiu; D-San...

CalChamber Releases 2015 Job Creator List​​​​​​

Contact: Denise Davis SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today released its list of job creator bills calling attention to the 11 bills...

Policy Committees to Consider Four Job Killer Bills Today

Four California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills will be heard in policy committees today. Increased Labor C​​osts ​AB 357 (Chiu; D-San Francisco) Predictable...