Tag: Videos

CalChamber Steers Helpful Bills into Law, Stops Costly Mandates, Secures Changes

The 2015 legislative year was very active in the labor and employment policy arena. Overall, the California Chamber of Commerce was very successful with...

Governor Takes Action on Two Workers Compensation Bills; Signs One, Vetoes Other

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has taken action on two important workers’ compensation bills, signing one bill that reduces medical disputes and increase timeliness...

Capitol Report: CalChamber-Supported Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Concluded

https://youtu.be/ee6pzpyZs3Q The 12 economies of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) concluded their wide-ranging trade/investment negotiations on October 5. In the latest CalChamber Capitol Report, Susanne Stirling,...

Capitol Report: CalChamber-Supported Gender Equity Pay Bill on Assembly Floor​​

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that seeks to eliminate pay disparity based on gender will be considered by the full Assembly this week. SB...

Clarifying California’s Sick Leave Law: Employers Must Have Policy in Place to Cap Sick...

In the midst of much misinformation and confusion, yesterday, July 1, marked the day California employers were required to begin providing paid sick leave...

New Paid Sick Leave Law in Effect Today

Today, California’s new mandatory sick leave policy goes into effect for all employers and all emplo​yees in California. In the latest CalChamber Capitol News Report,...
Capitol Report Video

Capitol Report: Job Killer Undermines Prop. 13 Protections, Would Raise Costs for Small Businesses...

https://youtu.be/3xzCwH4nLwI A recently amended job killer, SCA 5 (Hancock; D-Berkeley)/Mitchell; D-Los Angeles), now seeks to undermine the protections of Proposition 13 by unfairly targeting commercial...
2015 Host Breakfast Speakers

Host Breakfast Speakers Cite Californians’ Ability to Persevere, Innovate in Response to Challenges​​​​​​​​​​

https://youtu.be/fCQFPtmXlUA The ability of Californians to respond to challenges with imagination and innovation was a recurring theme in remarks at the 90th Annual Sacramento Host...

CalChamber, The Voice of Business

https://youtu.be/fCQFPtmXlUA For 125 years, the California Chamber of Commerce has been the voice of business in California's capital, representing California's job creators, large and small.​

California Governor Brown Remarks at 90th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast

https://youtu.be/hzAyEevWJsA California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. called out Californians’ destiny to “overcome the obstacles by imagination, by grit, by will, and by collaboration.”​ California is...

Joseph Otting Remarks at 90th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast

https://youtu.be/QPFVuZpOGb4 Joseph Otting, CalChamber Board chair and president and chief executive officer, OneWest Bank, N.A., spoke about California being home to many innovations and transformations. He...

Vivek Ranadivé Remarks at 90th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast

https://youtu.be/eZMLg2S1eUc Vivek Ranadivé, owner and chairman of the Sacramento Kings, said Civilization 1.0 began with the agrarian revolution, the age of the artisan; Civilization 2.0...

CalChamber President/CEO Allan Zaremberg Opens Capitol Summit

https://youtu.be/tcwomUgLj9I CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg opens the Capitol Summit in Sacramento with comments on the ironies resulting from a strong California economy, how...
AAttorney General Speaks at Capitol Summit

Attorney General Lauds ROI of Public-Private Partnerships​​​​​​​

Public-private partnerships are essential to bringing up-to-date technology to law enforcement efforts, California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris told a California Chamber of Commerce...

CalChamber Policy Advocates Spotlight Hot Issues at Capitol Summit​

https://youtu.be/3mlGCdIT7bo Mike Villines (center), owner of Villines Group LLC and a former Assembly Republican leader, moderates an update on top policy issues with CalChamber Policy...

Disability Access Reform/Education Bill Still Alive​​​

https://youtu.be/5UwclzN7TXU CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera discusses how SB 251 will help small businesses and limit frivolous ADA lawsuits.​
Songs for Our Heros

CalChamber Board Member Crafts Song/Video to Inspire Gift to Veterans​​​​​​ ​​

 Attorney George David Kieffer, a member of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, has composed and directed a song and video to...

Capitol Coffee Break: Late for Work?​​

Every now and then, the morning just doesn’t go right and you wind up running late for work. Being late to work is the...

CalChamber Capitol Report: California and U.S. Set New Export Record

Newly released trade statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce revealed another record-breaking year in exports for California and the United States. http://youtu.be/4amfXeBqnHI “With more than...

Capitol Report: CalChamber Voices Support for Transatlantic Partnership Agreement​​​​​

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging United States and European Union leaders to advance the largest regional trading and investment relationship in the...