Tag: Videos

Government-Run Health Care – Political Pressures – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg discusses the political pressures affecting lawmakers’ attitudes toward government-run health care at the CalChamber...

Immigration Reform – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg outlines the CalChamber position on immigration reform and how a solution could be developed...

Can a Republican Win the Governorship in 2018? – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg speculates on the conditions that could lead to a Republican making the general election runoff in the race...

Why Businesspeople Need to Tell Their Own Story – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

“There’s no better lobbyist than you,” CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg tells the more than 200 business and local chamber leaders attending the...

Finance Director Provides CalChamber Members with Details of Governor’s Proposed 2017–18 Budget

California’s budget remains precariously balanced, California Department of Finance Director Michael Cohen explained yesterday during a luncheon at the California Chamber of Commerce. Highlights...

10 Things Businesses Might Not Know About California’s Paid Sick Leave Law

SACRAMENTO, CA — One year ago today, California employers had to begin providing the paid sick leave (PSL) benefit to their employees. To highlight several...

CalChamber Opposition, Local Business Testimony Help Delay Vote on Job Killer

The Assembly Judiciary Committee yesterday delayed voting on a job killer bill that if passed, will expose businesses to costly litigation when goods are...
2016 Small Business Award Winners

Small Business Advocate of the Year: CalChamber Recognizes Business Executives from Corona, Fresno, Ripon

The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Corona, Fresno, and Ripon this week with its 2016 Small Business Advocate of the Year...

Governor, CalChamber Chair Recap State’s Advances, Challenges

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and California Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Michael W. Murphy shared their perspectives on the state’s accomplishments and challenges...

Governor Brown Remarks at 91st Annual Host Breakfast

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and California Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Michael W. Murphy shared their perspectives on the state’s accomplishments and challenges...

Michael W. Murphy Remarks at 91st Annual Host Breakfast

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and California Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Michael W. Murphy shared their perspectives on the state’s accomplishments and challenges...

Mayor Kevin Johnson Remarks at 91st Annual Host Breakfast

Mayor Kevin Johnson Remarks at 91st Annual Host Breakfast Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and California Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Michael W. Murphy shared...

Hazardous Waste Permitting Fees Budget Trailer Proposal

https://youtu.be/PwPMwECem9M CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson discusses a budget trailer proposal that seeks to eliminate a predictable and workable flat permitting fee option for permit...

Environmental Job Killer Bills Recap

https://youtu.be/WxVdT1Jp5os CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson reviews the impact of pending legislation assaulting in-state energy production (AB 1882; Williams; D-Santa Barbara) and making the hazardous...

Scheduling Mandate Job Killer Bill

https://youtu.be/0YKZbToqrGY CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera describes for the CalChamber Capitol Summit audience on May 17 this year's approach to scheduling mandates, SB 878 (Leyva;...

Anti-Arbitration Job Killer Bills

https://youtu.be/hpAc5pI2PPA CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera describes two variations on job killer proposals discriminating against arbitration agreements at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May 17:...

Tax Action in 2016 on Ballot

https://youtu.be/2VYbCP7QBYU CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera confirms for listeners at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May 17 that most activity on tax policy in 2016...

CEQA Reform Prospects

https://youtu.be/pNFi8mdSBCE In response to a question at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May 17, CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson assesses the prospects for reform of...

Job Creator Disability Access Incentive Bill

https://youtu.be/ui_obJk_iXA CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera explains the provisions of the job creator bill incentivizing disability access and education, SB 269 (Roth; D-Riverside), which was...

Lucille Harris – Small Business Advocate of the Year

https://youtu.be/qhPHEyo-_i4 Lucille Harris A Manteca native and resident for more than 80 years, Harris has written persuasive letters grabbing the attention of legislators and government agencies...