Tag: Labor and Employment

COVID-19: What Employers Are Asking

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank is joined by employment law experts Bianca Saad...

Furloughs Versus Layoffs: Is There A Difference in California?

Many Californian businesses are facing difficult choices during this COVID-19 pandemic (also known as the coronavirus pandemic). Confronting losses in revenue and uncertainty in...

Surprise! 2020 Promises More Workplace Regulations for California’s Employers

2019 brought some big changes under Cal/OSHA, and 2020 is virtually certain to bring new obligations for employers confronting some very hot new issues--including...

First Entries on 2020 Job Killer List Similar to Previous Failed Proposals

Yesterday, the California Chamber of Commerce named two recently introduced bills as 2020 job killers. The bills are very similar to prior versions also identified...

Oh, What a Relief It Isn’t – AB 5 and the B2B Exemption

The new law governing independent contracting, AB 5, includes what can be described as a business-to-business (B2B) exemption. But a close examination of the...

Employee Handbook Helps Employers Tackle Tough HR Issues During Busy Holiday Season

December is here, and not only is the holiday season in full swing, it is the peak of the flu season as well. It's...
The Workplace Podcast

Measures Employers Should Incorporate to Mitigate Risks Under PAGA

One of the most onerous labor laws employers in California contend with is the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). The law, which some have...
The Workplace Podcast

What Not to Wear – To Work

It’s summertime in California and that means flip flops, shorts, and tank tops. Unfortunately, when the weather heats up, employees can be tempted to...

Job Killer Bill Threatening Water Supply Reliability Passes Policy Committee

Legislation that threatens water supply reliability for millions of Californians passed the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee on Tuesday. The California Chamber of...

CalChamber #RespectWorks Campaign Continues to Build Support for Harassment-Free Workplaces

A new HR tip posted online this week as part of the CalChamber #RespectWorks campaign underscores the importance of preventing harassment in the workplace. The...
The Workplace Podcast

New CalChamber Podcast Discusses “Ghosting” in the Workplace

As employers are finding it harder and harder to fill positions, a new problem that is arising is job abandonment and applicants disappearing in...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Podcast: Texting in the Workplace and Other Cautionary Employment Tales

Finding novel ways to increase efficiency or prevent workplace harassment can create serious problems for employers if not properly executed or thought out. In this...

Senate Policy Committee to Consider Bills Increasing Litigation

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that could expose employers to costly litigation will be heard in the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement...

It’s Back – New Federal Overtime Rule Proposed

On March 7, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a new proposed federal overtime rule that would increase the white-collar salary threshold for exempt...

California Employers: Beware More Stringent Criminal Background Check Requirements

A Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling has made already strict background check requirements even more stringent. The court held that the disclosure required under the...

Bill Limiting Use of Settlement/Arbitration Agreements on Governor’s Desk

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill to limit the use of settlement agreements and arbitration agreements for labor and employment claims has...

CalChamber Urges Agency to Withdraw Proposed Regulatory Amendments

In a comment letter last week, the California Chamber of Commerce and other employer groups urged the Fair Employment and Housing Council to withdraw...

CalChamber Urges Senate to Stop Ban on Settlement/Arbitration Agreements

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill to ban settlement agreements and arbitration agreements for labor and employment claims is awaiting action by...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Sponsored Bill Protecting Victims/ Employers from Serial Harassers

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday signed a California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that protects sexual harassment victims and employers from being...
Job Creators

CalChamber-Sponsored Bill to Protect Harassment Victims Goes to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that protects sexual harassment victims and employers from being sued for defamation has been sent to...