
Action Needed: Help Stop Five Job Killer Bills from Reaching Floor

​The California Chamber of Commerce is urging businesses to contact their Assembly representatives to help stop five job killer bills from reaching the Assembly...

Job Creator Bill to Limit Frivolous, Costly Litigation on Senate Floor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that aims to limit frivolous, costly litigation is awaiting a vote on the Senate Floor. The bill,...

CalChamber-Opposed Job Killer Awaits Senate Vote

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that if enacted could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers as well as...

CalChamber, Coalition Urge Congress to Reauthorize Program for Immigrant Investors

The California Chamber of Commerce and a growing coalition of industry stakeholders will be urging Congress to reauthorize a program to attract foreign investments...

Legislature Returns from Summer Recess to Consider Job Killer, Job Creator Bills

The California State Assembly and Senate return today from their month-long summer recess and will consider the remaining job killer and job creator bills...

14 CalChamber Member Companies Make Fortune Magazine Best Places to Work List

This year, 14 California Chamber of Commerce member companies were selected by Fortune magazine as some of the best companies for which to work. Best...

Governor Makes Appointments to Cal/OSHA Standards Board

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recently made some long-awaited appointments to the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board. Four members were reappointed to their...

Japanese Business Federation Visit Highlights Importance of Relationships with U.S., California

​Earlier this summer, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) led a major mission to the United States with more than 100 CEOs and business executives of...

Job Killer Vote Record Shows Success, Challenges

​The California Chamber of Commerce presents a recap of floor votes on job killer bills before legislators went on their summer break. Although opposition from...

CalChamber-Sponsored Job Creator Bill Incentivizes Disability Access and Education

​A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that provides a balanced approach between preserving the civil rights of those who are disabled and...

Deceptive Initiative Would Disrupt Vital Infrastructure Projects

Cross Posted in Fox and Hounds Daily At a time when California is running far behind making even the basic investments in maintaining our vital...

CalChamber Optimistic that TransPacific Partnership Trade Deal Can be Reached

While efforts to complete the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement closed Friday in Hawaii without a final deal, the TPP ministers are “are more...

Senate to Vote on CalChamber-Opposed Employment-Related Bills

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that increase employer costs and threaten employers with civil litigation and criminal prosecution are awaiting action on the...

Senate Passes Long-Term Highway Bill, but 3-Month Patch Still Needed After House Leaves Town

The Senate passed a long-term transportation bill, but with House lawmakers already dispersed for their August recess, the bill will become just one more...
Corporate Responsibility Magazine

33 CalChamber Member Companies Make Cut for Best Corporate Citizens List

Thirty-three California Chamber of Commerce member companies recently made Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 16th annual list of “100 Best Corporate Citizens 2015.” The companies that made...

Senate Fiscal Committee to Consider Bill that May Increase Health Care Premiums

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that may will drive up the cost of health care premiums will be considered by the Senate Appropriations...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

Numerous business priorities remain to be considered when legislators reconvene after their summer recess, according to the California Chamber of Commerce summary of the...

CalChamber Board Votes to Oppose No Blank Checks Initiative

The California Chamber of Commerce today announced that its Board of Directors has voted to oppose the “No Blank Checks” initiative. “This measure is dangerous...

CalChamber Board Votes to Oppose No Blank Checks Initiative

Contact: Denise Davis SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today announced that its Board of Directors has voted to oppose the “No Blank...

United States, Cuba Restore Diplomatic Relations

After 54 years, the United States and Cuba yesterday restored full diplomatic relations following the Cold War. The California Chamber of Commerce is hopeful...