
Job Killer Bill Will Worsen Housing Affordability Crisis

The California Chamber of Commerce is opposing a job killer bill that will further exacerbate the already-problematic housing affordability crisis in California. If enacted, the...

North America Trade Policy: Opportunities Abound with California Neighbors

While there are areas that can be improved, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) serves the employment, trading and environmental interests of California,...

Survey Results Underscore Importance of Immigration to California Economy

California Chamber of Commerce members have a strong sense of the importance of immigration–whether legal or undocumented—to the California economy, according to the recently...

California Hazardous Waste Program Needs Modernizing, Streamlining, Not Piecemeal Approach

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition seeking to develop a comprehensive solution to address Californians’ legitimate concerns about the hazardous waste...

Transportation Needs Long-Term Solution Now

Following is the text of a letter sent to the Legislature late last week. The damage to our roads and bridges from California’s most recent...

Employee Walkout? Work It Out

Quite a few news reports discuss recent employee walkouts across the country in protest of federal policies, such as the recent “Day Without Immigrants”...

CalChamber Participates in Mexico’s Senate Delegation Visit

The California Chamber of Commerce recently participated in meetings with a small visiting delegation of senators from Mexico, all members of the Foreign Affairs...

Governor Brown Announces Infrastructure Plan

On Friday Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced a series of immediate and longer-term actions to bolster dam safety, improve flood protection and fix...

CalChamber President Issues Statement on Governor Brown’s Infrastructure Announcement

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement in response to Governor Edmund G. Brown...

“100% Healed” Policies Violate Duty to Accommodate

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) recently obtained a settlement that highlights a mistake that employers often make: requiring employees to be 100-percent...

CalChamber, U.S. Chamber Urge Appeals Court to Review Wage Statement Questions

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in urging the Fourth Appellate District Court to review a case involving...

CalChamber to Co-Host North America Trade Policy Luncheon

The future of trade policy in North America will be the focus of a noon luncheon and discussion co-hosted by the California Chamber of...

33 Member Companies Recognized on Bay Area’s Healthiest Employers List

Thirty-three California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been recognized as some of the healthiest employers to work for in the San Francisco Bay...

CalChamber in Court: Protecting Workers’ Comp Independent Medical Review

Oral arguments have been set in a workers’ compensation case that deals with the constitutionality of the independent medical reviews (IMR) that were part...

11 CalChamber Member Companies Land on Best Places to Work List

Eleven California Chamber of Commerce member companies in the Sacramento region were recognized as some of the best places to work for in 2016. The...
Loren Kaye

How to Foster Growth and Increase Opportunity in California

Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee For good or ill, the new administration in the nation’s capital has upended the national policy debate, requiring attention...

Arbitration Can Benefit Both Parties in a Dispute

The history of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and numerous U.S. Supreme Court decisions interpreting the act’s broad scope and strength set the stage...

Trade Report: California Exports End 2016 on High Note

California’s merchandise export trade concluded 2016 with an exceptionally strong showing in December, posting a nominal 9.3% gain over the same month in 2015,...

CalChamber-Supported Expert Appointed to Cal/OSHA Standards Board

With the support of the business community and the California Chamber of Commerce, Chris Laszcz-Davis was appointed yesterday to the California Occupational Safety and...

Retaliation Charges Again Top Agency List of Workplace Discrimination Claims

Retaliation was once again the workplace discrimination claim filed most often, according to breakdowns for fiscal year 2016 recently released by the federal Equal Employment Opportunity...