Tag: Jennifer Barrera

U.S. Supreme Court Reverses State Court to Reinforce Arbitration to Resolve Disputes

Further emphasizing the federal policy favoring arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), the U.S. Supreme Court last week again reversed a California decision...

CalChamber Releases List of New Employment Laws Affecting Businesses in 2016

Latest Capitol News Report calls attention to challenges employers face in coming year SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today released the list...

CalChamber Releases List of New Employment Laws Affecting Businesses in 2016

Latest Capitol News Report calls attention to challenges employers face in coming year The California Chamber of Commerce today released the list of new employment...

CalChamber Steers Helpful Bills into Law, Stops Costly Mandates, Secures Changes

The 2015 legislative year was very active in the labor and employment policy arena. Overall, the California Chamber of Commerce was very successful with...

Taxation: CalChamber Stops/Amends Plans Targeting Industries, Backs Helpful Bills

The 2015 legislative year saw the introduction of a number of evergreen tax bills that dealt with policies discussed yearly in the Capitol, including...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Gender Equity Pay Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that seeks to eliminate pay disparity based on gender was signed by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday. SB...
Job Creators

Governor Signs Job Creator Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that provides employers with a limited opportunity to cure technical violations in an itemized wage statement...

CalChamber-Opposed Bill on Governor’s Desk Could Increase Frivolous Litigation

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging the Governor to veto a bill that threatens only private employers with civil litigation for seeking an...

SB 358 Helps Workers and Employers

Cross posted on Fox and Hounds Daily The issue of gender equity in compensation has been a prominent topic at the Capitol this year, with...

CalChamber Advises U.S. Labor Department Not to Follow California Example for Overtime Exemptions

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) should not adopt California’s quantitative approach to determining whether an employee is exempt from overtime pay requirements, the...
Job Creators

CalChamber-Supported Job Creator Bill Goes to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that provides employers with a limited opportunity to cure technical violations in an itemized wage statement...

CalChamber-Supported Gender Equity Pay Bill to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that seeks to eliminate pay disparity based on gender is on its way to Governor Edmund G. Brown...

Assembly to Consider Job Killer Creating An Expansive 12-Week Protected Leave on Small Businesses

​A California Chamber of Commerce opposed job killer bill that would drastically expand a California 12-week protected leave of absence to small employers with...

Job Killer Bill One Vote Away from Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that if enacted could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers has passed the...

Capitol Report: CalChamber-Supported Gender Equity Pay Bill on Assembly Floor​​

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that seeks to eliminate pay disparity based on gender will be considered by the full Assembly this week. SB...

Job Creator Bill to Limit Frivolous, Costly Litigation on Senate Floor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that aims to limit frivolous, costly litigation is awaiting a vote on the Senate Floor. The bill,...

CalChamber-Opposed Job Killer Awaits Senate Vote

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that if enacted could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers as well as...

CalChamber-Sponsored Job Creator Bill Incentivizes Disability Access and Education

​A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that provides a balanced approach between preserving the civil rights of those who are disabled and...

Senate to Vote on CalChamber-Opposed Employment-Related Bills

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that increase employer costs and threaten employers with civil litigation and criminal prosecution are awaiting action on the...

Costly Employee Retention Mandate Job Killer Bill Headed to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that denies employers the basic choice of whom to hire has passed the Legislature and is...