Tag: Allan Zaremberg

Another Holiday Season, Another Delay at the Airport. Take Air Traffic Control Away from...

The aviation industry has always played a major role in California’s economy, which leads the nation in economic output associated with air travel. Allan...

CalChamber Executive Team Announcement

Jeanne Cain, CalChamber’s Executive Vice President of Policy, has announced that she will be leaving the organization effective February 1.  Cain, a 16-year veteran...

CalChamber Partner in Governor’s Lunch for Mexico Secretary of Foreign Affairs

On Monday, September 11, Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. in partnership with the California Chamber of Commerce, held a luncheon for Mexico Secretary of...

CalChamber Issues Renewed Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Administration Announces Intention to Rescind DACA Program California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg yesterday issued a statement renewing the call for comprehensive...

CalChamber Issues Renewed Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform in Wake of Administration’s Rescission of...

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today issued the following statement in response to the Administration’s announcement that...

Ross Johnson, Former Republican Legislator, Passes Away at 77

Ross Johnson, former state ethics panel chair and republican legislator from Orange County passed away yesterday at age 77 in Sacramento. “Ross was always held...

Legislature Approves Cap-and-Trade Extension

With strong support from the California Chamber of Commerce and the business community, the Legislature yesterday approved AB 398 (E. Garcia; D-Coachella), which will...

CalChamber Announces Position on Cap and Trade Legislation

SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today announced its support position on AB 398 (E. Garcia; D-Coachella). “The balanced, well-designed cap and trade program...

Can’t Find Work? Maybe You Need New Skills

By Eloy Ortiz Oakley and Allan Zaremberg in the East Bay Times There is a troubling chasm in the world of work today and it...

Japan-California: Luncheon Underscores Longstanding Trade/Investment Partnership

An annual meeting between the California Chamber of Commerce and Japan business leaders highlighted California’s continuing interdependence with one of its largest trade and...

Video: CalChamber – Helping Businesses Thrive

(June 1, 2017) How California Chamber of Commerce helps business entrepreneurs like 2017 Chair Susan Corrales-Diaz of Systems Integrated do well and create jobs.   https://youtu.be/7i26Y68LJEo   See...
Washington D.C. Update Talk Show

2017 Capitol Summit – Washington, D.C. Update

Summit Talk Show Session Provides Insights on D.C. Politics/Policy Lanhee J. Chen of the Hoover Institution comments on political and policy aspects of federal issues,...

Health Care Costs and Subsidies – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

The interplay of costs, subsidies and pre-existing conditions in the health care debate is explained by CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg at the...

Government-Run Health Care – Political Pressures – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg discusses the political pressures affecting lawmakers’ attitudes toward government-run health care at the CalChamber...

Immigration Reform – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg outlines the CalChamber position on immigration reform and how a solution could be developed...

Can a Republican Win the Governorship in 2018? – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg speculates on the conditions that could lead to a Republican making the general election runoff in the race...

Why Businesspeople Need to Tell Their Own Story – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg

“There’s no better lobbyist than you,” CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg tells the more than 200 business and local chamber leaders attending the...

Multiple Mexico-California Connections in Spotlight at Luncheon

The many ways in which California and Mexico gain economic strength from their trade and investment connections were highlighted at an international trade luncheon...

Governor, Legislative Leaders Announce Road Repair and Transportation Investment Package

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg  joined Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and legislative leaders yesterday at a news conference at...

North America Trade Policy: Opportunities Abound with California Neighbors

While there are areas that can be improved, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) serves the employment, trading and environmental interests of California,...