
California Export Values Decline for First Time Since 2009; State Still Outpaces Nation

The value of goods exported decreased in 2015 for both the United States and California, but California performed better than the nation, according to...

Paid Sick Leave Law Questions Continue to Trouble Employers Wanting to Comply

Every January, California Chamber of Commerce employment law experts travel up and down the state educating California employers about new employment laws affecting the...

CalChamber Opposition Stops 2015 Job Killer Holdovers

A number of California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills first identified in 2015 appear to be dead for this year after missing legislative...

CalChamber-Supported Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement Signed in Auckland

After more than five years of negotiations, trade ministers representing Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States,...

CalChamber Files Brief on Meal Breaks During 12-Hour Shifts

The California Chamber of Commerce has added its arguments in a case that may help clarify meal and rest period requirements for health care...

CalChamber, Coalition Continue to Voice Concerns on Draft Prop. 65 Warning Regulations

Although improved since previous iterations, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 warning regulations continue to be a...

CalChamber-Opposed Online Ingredient Communication Mandate Stopped on Assembly Floor

A new consumer product ingredient communication mandate that would have stifled innovation and imposed unnecessary burdens on businesses failed to pass the Assembly yesterday. AB...

Assembly Passes Double-Pay Holiday Bill

The California Assembly yesterday passed a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that requires double the “regular rate” of pay for work on Thanksgiving. AB 67...

Revised Double-Pay Holiday Bill Back for Assembly Vote

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that requires double pay for work on Thanksgiving awaits action by the Assembly. A previous version of the bill failed to pass the...

CalChamber, Mexican Consulate Share Strategies to Improve Relations

Strategies to improve the close relationship between Mexico and California were the focus when California Chamber of Commerce representatives met recently with the new...

CalChamber-Backed Bill Extends Program to Help Meet Workforce Needs

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that helps the state meet future workforce needs and ensures more Californians will have the training they need...

Gov. Brown Urges Caution In State Of State Speech

Gov. Jerry Brown urged fiscal caution Thursday in his State of the State address, calling for lawmakers to beef up California's rainy day fund...

California Needs to Reinvent Its Commitment to Justice

Cross posted in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin The bedrock of our democracy is its justice system — and people flock to the United States...

CalChamber-Supported Job Creator Bill Passes Assembly Policy Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that seeks to limit frivolous litigation and claims regarding construction-related accessibility violations unanimously passed the Assembly...
Allan Zaremberg

California Must Address Our Uneven Recovery

Cross posted in The Sacramento Bee Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed a state budget brimming with new revenues, but carefully socking part of the surplus...

Trans-Pacific, Transatlantic Pacts Top CalChamber Trade Priorities for 2016

Pending agreements with Pacific nations and the European Union are international trade priorities for the California Chamber of Commerce as the 114th Congress convenes...

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Challenge of California Teacher Union Fee

Ruling Will Affect All Public Employee Unions The U.S. Supreme Court this week heard arguments about the validity of a fee the California Teachers Association...

Federal Unemployment Insurance Taxes: California Employers Paying More

California employers can expect a higher federal unemployment insurance (UI) tax bill when it arrives this month. This year will be the sixth in a...

Finance Director Provides CalChamber Members with Overview of Governor’s Proposed 2016-17 Budget

California Department of Finance Director Michael Cohen yesterday provided CalChamber luncheon forum attendees with an overview of the Governor’s proposed 2016–17 budget. Highlights of...

CalChamber-Supported Flexible Workweek Agreement Bill Up This Week

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that provides employers with the opportunity to accommodate employees' needs as well as business demands by allowing employees...