Taxes and Transportation – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg
(May 17, 2016) CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg opens the Capitol Summit in Sacramento with comments regarding California's transportation and tax issues.
Three Receive CalChamber Small Business Advocate of the Year Award
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Corona, Fresno, and Ripon today with its 2016 Small Business Advocate of...
Minimum Wage Increase – Straight Talk with Allan Zaremberg
(May 17, 2016) CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg opens the Capitol Summit in Sacramento with comments on the passage of SB 3 (Leno;...
Trade Expands Economy, Opportunities
California Top Exporter: 229 Foreign Markets, 11% of U.S. Total
As trade is being widely discussed on the national political scene, making sure U.S. businesses—from...
May Budget Revision
Amid Declining Revenue Growth, Governor Holds Line on Spending, Makes Saving a Priority
On Friday, Governor Brown released his May Revision to the California State Budget....
Latest Draft Prop. 65 Warning Regulations Take Several Steps Backwards
The latest proposed revisions to the state’s Proposition 65 warning regulations are problematic and unworkable, the California Chamber of Commerce and a broad coalition...
Governor Signs Job Creator Bill
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that incentivizes disability access and education was signed by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday.
SB 269...
Governor Continues Water Savings Directive
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday issued an executive order that builds on temporary statewide emergency water restrictions to establish longer-term water conservation measures,...
CalChamber Identifies 14th Job Creator Bill
Contact: Denise Davis
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 14 bills....
CalChamber Identifies 14th Job Creator Bill
The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 14 bills. The latest bill, SB 1069...
Job Killer No. 20 Stalls on Assembly Floor
A day after being added to the California Chamber of Commerce job killer list, a bill dealing with release clauses fell short of votes...
CalChamber Identifies 20th Job Killer Bill
The California Chamber of Commerce yesterday added AB 2748 (Gatto) to its job killer list, bringing the total number of bills to 20. The...
Job Killer Watch: CalChamber Identifies 20th Job Killer Bill
The California Chamber of Commerce today added AB 2748 (Gatto) to its job killer list, bringing the total number of bills to 20. The...
CalChamber Luncheon Highlights Mexico’s Energy Reform, Investment Opportunities
Mexico’s Energy Reform and Investment Opportunities were the topic of discussion yesterday at a California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum with nearly 100...
Court Sides with Employer in Workers’ Comp Case
A state appeals court has ruled that a worker’s claim of a psychiatric injury did not meet the tests to qualify for workers’ compensation...
Proposed Limit on Use of Criminal History Information Will Harm Employers
New proposed state regulations by the California Fair Employment and Housing Council (FEHC) seek to limit consideration of criminal history in hiring and employment...
14 CalChamber Members Creating Jobs with Help from California Competes Tax Credit
Fourteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) as recipients for the...
CalChamber Attends Chile-California Council Meeting
On April 21 and 22, the Chile-California Council met in San Francisco for their annual meeting. The Council is an international non-profit organization that...
Job Killer Bill Erodes Housing Affordability
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer that increases the cost and reduces the supply of housing by authorizing local governments to make inclusionary...
CalChamber-Opposed Job Killer Bill Discriminates Against Arbitration Agreements
The Assembly Judiciary Committee today will consider a job killer bill that seeks to ban arbitration clauses for alleged civil rights violations, thereby forcing...