Report: 2015 a Difficult Year for Export-Import Bank
A recent report to Congress shows that 2015 was an especially challenging year for the U.S. Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank.
Since June 30, 2015, the Export-Import Bank...
CalChamber Member SearchPros Solutions Is U.S.Chamber’s DREAM BIG Small Firm
California Chamber of Commerce member SearchPros Solutions of Citrus Heights recently was named the 2016 DREAM BIG Small Business of the Year by the...
California Wins Competition for New Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute
A Los Angeles-based coalition will lead the newest institute to spur innovation in manufacturing in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Smart Manufacturing...
CalChamber President Issues Statement on Passing of Marian Bergeson
SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement on the passing of Marian Bergeson:
“We are...
Career Technical Education Bill Moves in Assembly
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will help the state meet future workforce needs passed an Assembly policy committee last week with unanimous support.
Signed State Budget Includes Changes to Private Attorneys General Act
Changes to the state’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) are part of the recently signed budget and accompanying trailer bills.
The Labor Code PAGA authorizes...
10 Things Businesses Might Not Know About California’s Paid Sick Leave Law
SACRAMENTO, CA — One year ago today, California employers had to begin providing the paid sick leave (PSL) benefit to their employees. To highlight several...
CalChamber, Business Community Opposition Stops Job Killer
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that exposed businesses to costly litigation when goods are “substantially similar,” yet priced differently, was pulled...
Assembly Policy Committee Passes Job Killer
The Assembly Natural Resources Committee yesterday passed a job killer bill that could increase costs for California businesses, make them less competitive and discourage...
Expanded Panama Canal Opens to Transit
The $5.2 billion Panama Canal Expansion has opened to transit and will double the waterway’s cargo capacity, enhancing the canal’s efficiency, reliability and customer...
Committee Rejects Flexible Workweek Bill
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs was rejected by the Senate Labor and...
CalChamber Opposition Helps Stop Job Killer Leave Mandate
A job killer bill that would have overwhelmed small businesses with administering a new protected leave of absence and subjected them to threats of...
CalChamber Issues Statement on Brexit Vote
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement following the Brexit vote.
“California has a lot at stake,” said Allan Zaremberg,...
CalChamber, Linked Learning Alliance Form Network to Help Youth Find Jobs
The California Chamber of Commerce and the Linked Learning Alliance have launched a California network of employer associations committed to advancing youth opportunities and...
CalChamber Opposition, Local Business Testimony Help Delay Vote on Job Killer
The Assembly Judiciary Committee yesterday delayed voting on a job killer bill that if passed, will expose businesses to costly litigation when goods are...
Three CalChamber Members Appointed to Federal Travel Advisory Board
Three California Chamber of Commerce members have been appointed to the federal Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB) by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny...
CalChamber-Led Coalition Continues Push to Clarify Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules
A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce continues to highlight “unclear and ambiguous” sections of draft changes to the state’s Proposition 65...
Flexible Workweek Bill Set for Hearing
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs is scheduled to be considered by the...
Language Increasing Permit Processing Costs Inserted into Budget Trailer Bills
California Chamber of Commerce-opposed language that significantly increases permit processing costs has been inserted into two budget trailer bills, which have been designated as...
California Grows An Educational Approach That Links Student Aspirations To Workforce Needs
Cross posted on Forbes online.
Simon Tran is on the fast track.
A junior at the Kearny High School of Digital Media and Design in San...