Preorder Your Labor Law Poster Today and Be Ready for the New Year

Now is the time for employers to preorder a 2022 California and Federal Employment Notices Poster if they haven’t done so already.

In California, employers are required to post more than a dozen posters from varied agencies, such the U.S. Department of Labor, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and the California Department of Industrial Relations. Many of these posters, such as minimum wage notices, anti-discrimination posters, and leave rights posters, are updated annually.

The California Chamber of Commerce offers a suite of products that can help employers prepare their worksites and get into compliance with state law, including a convenient all-in-one labor law poster that contains the 18 state and federal employment notices every California employer must post.

Remote Workers Must Receive Notices

Throughout the pandemic the definition of a “worksite” has changed dramatically for many employers. This definition is important for an employer’s obligation to maintain up-to-date posters and notices because the variety of laws that mandate the workplace posters and notices requires that they be posted in a conspicuous area in the workplace where the employee will tend to see them.

Employers should keep in mind that a “worksite” also includes an employee’s home if they are working remotely, and although SB 657 (passed this year and taking effect on January 1, 2022) permits providing notices electronically to telecommuting employees, it does not change the requirement for a physical posting.

So, employers who have been away from the physical workplace or who have been understandably preoccupied with health and safety measures should review their workplace postings to ensure they have the most up-to-date postings at their workplace.

Harassment Prevention Training Is Still Required

Most laws and deadlines were not suspended throughout the pandemic. This includes California’s mandated harassment prevention training requirement. Current employees must undergo this training every two years, and newly hired and employees newly promoted to a supervisory position must participate in the appropriate training within six months of hire or promotion.

With remote and hybrid work making in-person training difficult, if not impossible, employers are encouraged to seek out compliant, computer-based training that meets the requirements of the law and still provides engaging content.

CalChamber’s harassment prevention training program exceeds California’s legal requirements and includes best practices that raise awareness about the subtleties of harassment, improve workplace culture and respect, and increase productivity and a sense of well-being.

For more information on the products the CalChamber offers, visit