State Opens Grant Program for Live Venues Hit by COVID-19

From October 29 through November 19, the state is accepting grant applications from independent live event venues that have been affected by the pandemic.

The California Venues Grant Program will provide grants of the lesser of $250,000 or 20% of the applicant’s gross earned revenue in California for the 2019 taxable year to support continued operation of the live venue.

To be eligible for the grants, the live event venues must have a physical address and operate in California (to be validated through submitted business tax returns). If the business tax returns don’t reference a California address, the applicant will be deemed ineligible.

Applications for the venues grant are separate from the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program.

If an eligible independent live event has been awarded a grant under the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program, the amount of that grant will be subtracted from the grant amount to be awarded under the venues grant program. If the small business COVID-19 relief grant is greater than the venues grant, the eligible independent live event will not receive a venues grant.

For timelines, qualifications and more information, visit

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