Legislature Sends 3 Job Creator Bills to Governor

Three bills identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as job creators passed the Legislature this year and await action by the Governor. The CalChamber has asked the Governor to sign the following bills.

• Workforce Coordination. AB 23 (Burke; D-Inglewood) Establishes the Business Workforce Coordination Unit, which will help provide California with a workforce that is employment-ready and trained in industry sectors that have the greatest workforce needs.

AB 23 will help close the skills gap by ensuring training and instruction are targeted to and satisfy industry needs.

• Encourages Technological Innovation. AB 1195 (O’Donnell; D-Long Beach) Allows credit under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard to innovative crude technologies, including carbon capture and sequestration, energy storage, and renewable natural gas or biogas. Creates jobs by encouraging the development of new technology to meet California’s ambitious climate change goals.

AB 1195 is consistent with the state’s goals of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions through a flexible approach that protects jobs and the economy.

• License Relief for Disaster Victims. SB 601 (Morrell; R-Rancho Cucamonga) Allows state agencies that issue business licenses to establish a procedure to reduce licensing fees for businesses affected by emergencies to help California businesses rebuild after disasters.

As businesses receive their licenses and get back to work, they will be able to bring employees back to work, creating employment in the affected communities.

The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.