CalChamber Names Retail Marketing Specialist as Grassroots Coordinator

Natalie LeightonThe California Chamber of Commerce has named Natalie Leighton, a retail marketing specialist, to spearhead its grassroots program.

Leighton works closely with the CalChamber public policy team to encourage local chambers, business owners and representatives from throughout the state to make their views known to lawmakers and regulators.

Planning is underway to revamp the CalChamber grassroots website.

Leighton brings to her grassroots assignment much experience in using social media and other contacts to get people involved. While assistant manager at Ascena Brands from November 2017 until joining the CalChamber, she collaborated with co-workers to engage customers and market promotions strategically.

As Educational Leadership Consultant for a nonprofit women’s organization, she curated the organization’s brand through social media on campuses through the country. She also recruited the 200 women for the founding class at the Cal Poly Pomona chapter, as well as planning events and overseeing the chapter’s initial funding.

Leighton earned a B.S. in business administration from Sonoma State University, where she specialized in wine business and marketing, and coordinated the guest speaker series for the Wine Sense Club. Her senior project examined Etsy’s business model as a focus for analyzing the online creative marketplace.

Tell Your Story

CalChamber members interested in speaking to the media about issues affecting the business community should contact Leighton at (916) 444-6670 or email her at

The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.