Tag: Loren Kaye

All Californians Lose If Split Roll Tax Passes

The California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of business and taxpayer groups are leading a strong effort to defeat the split roll property...

How to Sabotage a Recovery: Raise Taxes

Even before COVID-19, many Californians were struggling with the high cost of living here. The long-time willingness of many Californians to pay the “sunshine...

Signed Budget Package Raises Taxes, Awaits Action by Congress

Governor Gavin Newsom signed 20 bills on Monday that established and implemented the 2020–21 state budget. Even after enacting hundreds of pages of new...
Loren Kaye

Too Soon for Taxes in State Budget

Despite facing a June 15 deadline to pass a state budget, Governor Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders are, prudently, deferring a number of major...

Governor Lays Out Plan for Solving Record State Budget Deficit

Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed solving a record budget deficit by tapping reserves, borrowing money from special funds, deferring spending and raising some targeted...
Loren Kaye

After Years of Growth, State Budget Tanks

And just like that, California is in an economic recession. But not just any recession. According to Governor Newsom’s Department of Finance, since mid-March, more...

Can Californians Afford California? -Part 2

The first half of this commentary ran yesterday. To read part one of the commentary, visit https://advocacy.calchamber.com/2020/01/27/can-californians-afford-california/. Housing California’s infamous housing crisis lies at the center...

Can Californians Afford California?

By many important measures, California has never been better off. Our state enjoys unprecedented wealth, employment and health. Our economy created 3.4 million jobs in...

Concerned About Affordability, Voters Oppose New Taxes

Voters are anxious about the cost of living in California. One of the not-so-surprising consequences of this anxiety: they are reluctant to embrace new...

New CalChamber Survey: Homelessness, Public Safety Top Concerns for California Voters

California voters are anxious. Reports of steady growth and low unemployment cheer political leaders, but voters are disturbed by decaying public order and an unaffordable...

Poll Shows Dropping Support for Split Roll, Largest Tax Hike in History

Backers of an initiative for the 2020 ballot to increase business property taxes have changed their measure twice since introducing it in 2017. The...
Loren Kaye

Five Questions for Split Roll Proponents

Proponents of an $11 billion statewide property tax increase re-filed their ballot initiative this week, claiming “notable improvements to implementation dates, expansive new small business tax relief, clarified...
The Workplace Podcast

Renewed Talk about Sales Tax on Services Raises Concerns for California Business

Governor Gavin Newsom signed the state budget with a $21 billion surplus, but expressed his support for a new sales tax on services in...
Loren Kaye

California’s Private Economy Serves State Budget Bounty

Right on schedule, the California Legislature approved a $213 billion state budget – roughly twice the size of the budget adopted a decade ago...

Employers Can Help Improve the Skills Gap

California employers face major workforce challenges, especially a skills gap as high school-aged students enter the workforce without the tools necessary to succeed. One strategy...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Podcast: Go-Go Economy Fuels Record State Budget Surplus

Thanks to the hard work of employers and businesses, the state has seen excellent growth and is flush with revenue. On this episode of The...
Loren Kaye

Robust State Budget, Key Programs Rely on Private Sector Success

Taxes continue to pour into the state treasury, like spring snowmelt into Lake Oroville. Thanks to the engine of California’s private economy – the...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Podcast: Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

Even though California is enjoying its ninth straight year of economic growth and the state has a solid budget surplus and a brimming Rainy...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Podcast: Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

Even though California is enjoying its ninth straight year of economic growth and the state has a solid budget surplus and a brimming Rainy...
Loren Kaye

Pay Your Taxes? Take a Breath, More May Be On the Way

Today is Tax Day, so if you’re not up to your ears in forms and schedules, you’re probably breathing a sigh of relief. Just don’t...