Tag: Infrastructure

Trade Exports Global

California Funds $1.5 Billion in Port Infrastructure Upgrades

California is investing more than $1.5 billion to modernize and upgrade the state's key ports. California Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday announced that $1.2 billion will...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Issues Statement on Legislature Passing Governor’s Infrastructure Package

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jennifer Barrera today issued the following statement following the Legislature’s approval of the Governor’s infrastructure streamlining package: “CalChamber...

Legislature Should Embrace What’s Good for California

Everybody talks about fixing California’s infrastructure; now we have a chance to do something about it. Last month Governor Newsom proposed a comprehensive package to...

Governor’s Infrastructure Proposal Cuts Red Tape to Speed Project Delivery

Budget surpluses may be a thing of the past, but Governor Gavin Newsom can still initiate massive new investments in state infrastructure—if he can...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Applauds Governor Newsom’s Actions to Accelerate Building of Infrastructure Projects, Housing

The California Chamber of Commerce today commended Governor Gavin Newsom for his ambitious and timely proposals to expedite public works projects and housing in...
Train Undercarriage

CalChamber, 400 Groups Urge Immediate Action to Avert Rail Strike

The California Chamber of Commerce and more than 400 other organizations are urging Congress to take action in the face of a looming rail...
Trade Exports Global

California Transportation Agency Calls for Projects to Upgrade Port Infrastructure

The California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) yesterday issued final guidelines and a call for projects for $1.2 billion in one-time state funding for port...
View of the container between the shipping ports.

Governor’s Actions Aim to Tackle Port Congestion

  Easing port congestion was the focus of an executive order signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last week and a federal partnership announced this week. The executive...
Loren Kaye

Legislature Passes Budget, Clearing the Way for Real Budget Negotiations

The Legislature fulfilled its constitutional obligation this week by approving a state budget just ahead of the June 15 deadline. But meeting the formal...

Job Killer Bill DOA; Proposed Ban on In-State Oil and Gas Production Fails First...

SB 467 (Wiener; D-San Francisco), a California Chamber of Commerce-identified job killer bill that proposed to ban in-state oil and gas production, failed in...

We’ll Need to Replace the Gas Tax in Transition to ZEVs

It’s full steam ahead for the Newsom administration’s zero-emission vehicle strategy. But this enthusiasm for a new generation of automobile technology may degrade the...

Key to Recycling Overhaul: Scalable, Standardized Compliance Path Plus Infrastructure Investments

Overhauling California's recycling market requires a balance of the right mandates with a compliance pathway, California Chamber of Commerce Policy Advocate Adam Regele told...

California Interstate System Ranks Among Highest in Nation for Rate of Congestion, Road/ Bridge...

The rate of congestion, road and bridge deterioration in the California Interstate system is among the highest in the country, according to a report...

Solving California Challenges Requires Collaboration – Grace Evans Cherashore at Sacramento Host Breakfast

Collaboration is the key to finding solutions to the tough challenges facing the state, California Chamber of Commerce Chair Grace Evans Cherashore told attendees...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Podcast: Go-Go Economy Fuels Record State Budget Surplus

Thanks to the hard work of employers and businesses, the state has seen excellent growth and is flush with revenue. On this episode of The...

Governor Brown Announces Infrastructure Plan

On Friday Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced a series of immediate and longer-term actions to bolster dam safety, improve flood protection and fix...

CalChamber President Issues Statement on Governor Brown’s Infrastructure Announcement

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement in response to Governor Edmund G. Brown...

Growing Coalition of Labor, Business, Water, Environmental and Agriculture Leaders Oppose Deceptive “Cortopassi” Initiative

Responding to a post by The Sacramento Bee yesterday that the “Cortopassi” Initiative is poised to qualify for the November 2016 ballot, a growing...