Tag: 2016 Job Creators
CalChamber Releases Final Status Report on Major Business Bills
The California Chamber of Commerce has published its final status report on the top priority bills for California’s business community, showing the ultimate fate...
Job Creator Bill Supporting Innovation, Entrepreneurship Signed By Governor
On Friday, Governor Edmund G. Brown signed a job creator bill that will direct funding for the University of California (UC) system to support...
Legislative Recap: Hard-Won Gains for Employers in Some Areas Offset by More Costs in...
The California Chamber of Commerce had a mix of wins and losses for the legislative year; stopping dozens of harmful bills and helping to...
Governor Signs Two Job Creator Bills
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills yesterday.
SB 936(Hertzberg; D-Van Nuys) encourages creation of small business by...
CalChamber Reports on Status of Major Business Bills at Close of Session
Numerous business priorities remain to be considered by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. once they pass enrollment, the phase of the legislative process when...
Job Creator Bill Increasing Housing Supply to Governor
A fourth California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill has reached the Governor’s desk.
SB 1069 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont) creates and expedites additional housing supply by streamlining...
Two Job Creator Bills Head to Governor’s Desk
Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills are on their way to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s desk.
AB 2664 (Irwin; D-Thousand Oaks)...
Appropriations Committees Clear Suspense Files; One Job Killer, One Job Creator Move to Floor
Yesterday was the deadline for fiscal committees to send bills in their second house to the floor. One job killer bill passed to the...
Three Job Creator Bills Still Alive for Final Month of Session
The Legislature will consider three California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills when they return from summer recess.
One bill is scheduled to be considered by...
Committee Rejects Flexible Workweek Bill
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs was rejected by the Senate Labor and...
Flexible Workweek Bill Set for Hearing
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs is scheduled to be considered by the...
Governor Signs Job Creator Bill
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that incentivizes disability access and education was signed by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday.
SB 269...
CalChamber Identifies 14th Job Creator Bill
Contact: Denise Davis
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 14 bills....
CalChamber Identifies 14th Job Creator Bill
The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 14 bills. The latest bill, SB 1069...
Disability Access Job Creator Bill Passes Assembly Fiscal Committee
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that incentivizes disability access and education won unanimous bipartisan approval from the Assembly Appropriations Committee yesterday.
CalChamber Identifies 13th Job Creator Bill
Contact: Denise Davis
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 13 bills....
CalChamber Identifies 13th Job Creator Bill
The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 13 bills. The latest bill will be...
CalChamber Releases 2016 Job Creator List
The California Chamber of Commerce yesterday released its list of job creator bills, calling attention to 12 bills that will improve the state’s job...
CalChamber Releases 2016 Job Creator List
Contact: Denise Davis
SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Chamber of Commerce today released its list of job creator bills, calling attention to 12 bills that...