Trading Partner Portal: Mexico
Trump Tariffs: Some Put on Hold, Others Take Effect
CalChamber, February 4, 2025
Trump Tariff Plans Cause Concern, Much Speculation
CalChamber, January 31, 2025
Trade Overview
Mexico is the third largest country in Latin America, with the U.S at its northern border and Guatemala, Belize, and majority of Latin America to the south. It is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world, and is culturally, ethnically and regionally diverse, with many cultural influences, but a majority coming from its indigenous heritage. Britannica
Mexico has a population of 131.2 million, with around 80% of its population in urban areas and 45% of its population under the age of 25. Its nominal GDP is over $1.81 trillion as of 2023, with GDP per capita at $13,804. Mexico currently has an unemployment rate of around 2.9% and an inflation rate of 5.5%. Over $63.7 billion in remittances flowed into Mexico in 2023, 7.6% more than the year prior, setting another record and making it the second country in the world with the most remittances. Mexico is ranked #51 in world competitiveness by the World Economic Forum, and 126/180 for perceptions of corruption by Transparency International.
It has a developing market economy that has close ties with the U.S. and has ranked as the 14th largest economy in the world, and the 2nd largest economy in Latin America. It typically shows slow, stable economic growth, and has kept this trend since the 1990’s. This is mostly due to its high rate of labor informality, poverty, and decline in oil production, with labor informality being 56% and poverty at 44% as of 2023. It is considered upper middle-income member of the Group of 20 or G20 and the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S.-Mexico Trade
Mexico is the United States’ southern neighbor and second largest bilateral trading partner. In the last few decades, two-way trade in goods between Mexico and the United States increased dramatically from $81.4 billion in 1993 to $797.96 billion in 2023, up from $661.16 billion in 2021. Since 1995, Mexico has been a top trading partner for the U.S. and is the first or second largest trading partner for more than half of U.S. states.
United States’ exports to Mexico totaled $323.2 billion in 2023. Top export categories from the U.S. to Mexico included computer and electronic products ($45.3 billion), transportation equipment ($42 billion), petroleum and coal products ($38.6 billion), chemicals (31.2 billion), and non-electrical machinery ($25.7 billion). There are over 50,000 small and medium sized enterprises in the U.S. that export to Mexico.
In this same year, imports from Mexico to the U.S. totaled around $475.2 billion. The top 5 imports being transportation equipment ($163.8 billion), computer & electronic products ($76 billion), electrical equipment ($43.4 billion), appliances & components ($29.4 billion), non-electrical machinery ($29.4 billion), and oil and gas ($19.8 billion).
California- Mexico Trade
Mexico is California’s top export market, purchasing 18.8 percent of all California exports. California exports to Mexico amounted to $33.3 billion in 2023. Total exports to Mexico consisted of computer and electronic products ($5.8 billon), transportation equipment ($4.2 billion), non-electrical machinery ($2.8 billion), processed foods ($2.2 billion), and electrical equipment, appliances & components ($2.1 billion) respectively.
California imported $61.5 billion in goods from Mexico in 2023. The top import categories were transportation equipment ($14.7 billion), computer and electronic products ($13.5 billion), agricultural products ($7 billion), electrical equipment, appliances & components ($5.1 billion), and miscellaneous manufactured goods ($3.6 billion). California was the third largest importing state for goods from Mexico in 2023.
According to Visit California, nearly 7.2 million people visited California from Mexico in 2023, spending over $4.5 billion. Mexico sends more visitors to California than any other country by a wide margin, about 48% of all Mexican visitation to the U.S. is in California. Approximately 530,000 traveled by air.
Foreign Direct Investment
U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) into Mexico totaled $130.3 billion in 2022 and Mexican FDI into the US totaled $33.8 billion in the same year. In 2021, Mexican FDI into the U.S. supported 88,400 jobs and contributed a value of $1.4 billion to expanding US exports. The top industry sectors for Mexican FDI in the U.S. were: food and beverages, auto components, plastics, business services, communications, and software & IT services. Select USA
In California, the thirteenth largest source of FDI through foreign-owned enterprises (FOEs) is Mexico. In 2023, Mexican FOEs in California provided 15,845 jobs through 545 firms amounting to $1.71 billion in wages. The top jobs by sector are financial activities, retail trade, professional/business services, manufacturing, and wholesale trade (World Trade Center Los Angeles FDI Report).
Mexico and the World
In 2022, Mexico’s total exports with the world were $577.7 billion and was the 11th export market among world exporters. Total imports in this same year with the world came in at $604.6 billion, and Mexico ranked twelfth among world import markets. This was a significant increase from the previous year with an increase in exports to the world of roughly 16.8% and imports by 19.5%. A growing industry in Mexico has been its manufacturing sector, with it being the 6th largest automobile producer in the world. It has also seen growth in aerospace manufacturing, medical device manufacturing, electronics, appliance and furniture, agriculture, and more. SIXM, U.S. Department of Commerce
Mexico has one of the largest frameworks for free trade agreements with a total of 13 treaties that involve 50 countries from three continents representing 60% of the world’s GDP. More than 90% of Mexico’s trade is done under these treaties. Also, Mexico has 58 ports and terminals in the Pacific Ocean, 59 terminals in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, 49 custom offices, and 15 highway systems. In regard to human capital, Mexico has a young, productive, and skilled population; half of the population are 29 years old or younger, and 49% are in a productive stage in life. Each year approximately 1,700 people graduate from engineering schools, positioning the country within the first 10 in the OECD in this regard ( 2022).
Mexico is a member of multiple multinational organizations including the G20, OECD, WTO, UN, and APEC. It has multiple free trade agreements and also holds 32 Reciprocal Investment Promotion Agreements that cover 33 countries. Mexico climbed four spots to become the No.11 destination in the world for FDI as of 2022, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, with foreign investment to Mexico reaching $35 billion.
More Articles:
1810 – 2023, U.S.-Mexico Relations
Council on Foreign Relations
Governor Newsom Announces Binational Partnership with Mexico to Advance New Port of Entry at San Diego-Tijuana Border
Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, October 24, 2022
University Of San Diego Releases Report on California-Baja Economy
KPBS, February 21, 2022
Southern Connection: Innovation Clusters in Mexico and the Bridge to Silicon Valley
Bay Area Economy, June 2021
Interview Series Featuring California’s Key Trading Partners – Featuring Liliana Ferrer, Consul General of Mexico in Sacramento:
Ambassador Recaps Trade Pact Highlights, COVID-19 Impact, State Relationship
CalChamber, July 24, 2020
VIDEO in Spanish: Oportunidades para empresas socias | Doing Business in California – discussion with Carlos J. Valderrama, California Trade and Investment Representative Americas of the Office of Business and Economic Development of California
AmCham Mexico, September 9, 2020
The Baja California and Nuevo Leon Industry, Innovation, and Talent Clusters: Growing the California-Mexico Binational Economy
Bay Area Council, July 2020
Governor Newsom and Governors from Baja California States Re-Establish “Commission of the Californias
Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, December 4, 2019
Three California Governors Revive Cooperation Agreement
The San Diego Union-Tribune, December 4, 2019
Trade Agreements and Issues
Trade Agreements and Issues
Mexico has 13 free trade agreements with 50 countries, some of which include the EU, Israel, Japan, and 10 countries in Latin America. It is also a part of the Pacific Alliance, USMCA (formerly NAFTA), TPP, MERCOSUR, LAIA Treaty, and the CPTPP or Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. It also holds 32 Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements with countries like China, Korea, Singapore, and others.
Challenges one may see doing business in Mexico can include high interest rates for financing, issues keeping and receiving permits, complicated laws and procedures, and criminal activity.
Criminal activity in Mexico is one of its long-standing issues for both trade and security, with cartel activity and cartel violence being a number one concern. Corruption in Mexico has also been a cause for concern, as it has outside influence from cartels as well as individual actors. Mexico has been ranked 126/180 by Transparency International for perceptions of corruption, and having a score of 30, with 0 being highly corrupt and 100 being very clean. This indicating that it is a larger systemic problem.
Other Articles:
For a full list of Mexico’s free trade agreements
For a full list of Mexico’s international investment agreements
The USMCA is a revitalized high standard trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and The United States, replacing its predecessor policy NAFTA. Like NAFTA qualifying goods and services will have zero tariffs. In this agreement, it supports mutually beneficial trade to ensure freer markets, fairer trade, and more sweeping economic growth in North America. It includes important concessions on treatment on low value goods, automation, and important commitments to customs expectations. It also rebalances trade relations with Canada and Mexico, while also providing environmental protections, strong labor, and revised investment provisions to lower incentives to outsource.
On November 30, 2018, then President Donald J. Trump, then Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). President Trump called the new USMCA the “most modern, up-to-date, and balanced trade agreement in the history of our country.”
At the signing, at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Trump personally thanked outgoing Mexican President Peña Nieto, who then concluded the ceremony celebrating the close relationship between Mexico, Canada, and the United States, saying, “We’re ready to begin a new chapter in our shared history.”
The CalChamber actively supported the creation of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) among the United States, Canada and Mexico, comprising 480 million people with combined annual U.S. trade in goods of over $1.1 trillion.
U.S. Trade Representative – USMCA
U.S. Dept. of Commerce International Trade Administration – USMCA
USMCA Full Text of the Agreement
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Website
Landmark U.S.-Mexico Canada-Agreement Brings Modernized Rules to Trade on July 1
CalChamber, June 29, 2020
Canada OK of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Pact Could Lead to June Implementation Date
CalChamber, March 20, 2020
Mexico Chief Negotiator Provides Insight on USMCA at CalChamber Lunch
CalChamber, January 30, 2020
President Trump Signs USMCA Trade Pact
CalChamber, January 29, 2020
USMCA Passes Senate, Awaits President Trump’s Signature
CalChamber, January 16, 2020
CalChamber Welcomes House of Representatives Vote to Approve USMCA
CalChamber, December 20, 2019
CalChamber Reiterates Support for U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
CalChamber, May 14, 2019
U.S., Mexico, Canada Sign New Trade Agreement
CalChamber, December 3, 2018
Trade Missions
Trade Missions
2019 Lt. Governor Led Mission to Mexico City
- Home/Introduction October 2019
- Delegates October 2019
- Day 1 Tuesday, October 1, 2019
- Day 2 Wednesday, October 2, 2019
- Day 3Thursday, October 3, 2019
- Day 4 Friday, October 4, 2019
- Trade Stats
Press Releases
California Opens Trade and Services Desk in Mexico
Office of Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis, October 2, 2019
International Affairs and Trade Development Interagency Committee Heads to Mexico
Office of Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis, October, August 27, 2019
2014 Governor’s Mexico Trade Mission
- Blog/Background
- Day 1: Arrival and Reception: Sunday, July 27, 2014
- Day 2: Trade, Investment, Climate and MOU: Monday, July 28, 2014
- Day 3: Education MOU and Business-to-Business Meetings: Tuesday, July 29, 2014
- Day 4: Trade and Investment Breakfast: Wednesday, July 30, 2014
- Return Visit of Mexico’s President to CA, August 2014
Press Releases
California Governor to Lead Trade and Investment Mission to Mexico Next Week
Governor’s Office, July 23, 2014
Governor Brown to Lead Trade and Investment Mission to Mexico
Governor’s Office, April 29, 2014
2006 Trade Mission
California Chamber of Commerce President Allan Zaremberg returned from Mexico, where he accompanied Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a delegation of California leaders on a two-day mission to strengthen ties and increase economic opportunities in Mexico.
“The mission provided an excellent forum for the Governor to promote business investments in California and encourage tourism from Mexico to California destinations,” said CalChamber President Allan Zaremberg. “As California’s top export market Mexico has a big impact on our economy. The nearly $18 billion in California products exported to Mexico in 2005 supported nearly 200,000 jobs in California. Strengthening ties between California and Mexico is good for both nations.”
Related articles:
- Wine Institute Takes California Lifestyle, Agriculture International1-12-07 Alert
- Carlsmith Ball LLP Builds Legal Bridge for U.S.-Mexico Partnerships12-15-06 Alert
- Wilden Pump Helps International Firms Transfer Liquids Safely12-1-06 Alert
- CalChamber President Returns from Successful Mexico Trip12-1-06 Alert
15th Annual Mexico Advocacy Day Highlights Sonora’s Potential as Clean Energy Hub

Sonora’s strategic advantages in the manufacturing of renewable energy and potential to become the “Silicon Valley of Mexico” was the focus of yesterday’s Mexico Advocacy Day International Forum presentation.
California Chamber of Commerce President Jennifer Barrera gave the forum’s welcoming remarks, which was attended by close to 90 business and government leaders, including 11 California legislators.
Introductory remarks were given by Consul General of Mexico in Sacramento Christian Tonatiuh González Jiménez.
González most recently served as chief of protocol and public diplomacy at the Permanent Mission of Mexico in the United Nations.

Senator Steve Padilla (D-Chula Vista), chair of the Senate Select Committee on California-Mexico Cooperation and Dialogue, presented a California Senate Resolution commending the California Chamber of Commerce for joining with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento in celebrating the 15th Annual Mexico Advocacy Day. Accepting the resolution during an August 6 evening reception at the Leland Stanford Mansion hosted by the Mexican Consulate General, is CalChamber Senior Vice President International Affairs Susanne T. Stirling.
New Consul General of Mexico Meets with CalChamber President

Mexico’s Ambassador to US Highlights Importance of Past and Future Trade Partnership at CalChamber Luncheon

(May 2, 2023) In celebration of the bicentennial anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the U.S. this year, Mexico’s Ambassador to the U.S. Esteban Moctezuma highlighted our countries’ past trade relationships and stressed the importance of our continuing trade partnership at the 14th Annual Mexico Advocacy Day luncheon yesterday.
The luncheon is hosted each year by the California Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento.
CalChamber-Hosted Mexico Advocacy Day Lunch Focuses on Future of Bilateral Relationship

(May 3, 2022) On May 3, the California Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon for the 13th Annual California Mexico Advocacy Day in conjunction with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento.
The luncheon focused on the future of the bilateral relationship between California and Mexico as the bilateral partners emerge from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The California-Mexico relationship has remained strong, as Mexico continued to be California’s No. 1 export market in 2021.
Speakers Highlight Economic Vitality of Baja California Region

(March 3, 2020) The cross-border connections that make the Baja California region a dynamic economic center were the focus of a recent California Chamber of Commerce international breakfast meeting at The Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla.
Speakers at the February 28 gathering hosted by the CalChamber Council for International Trade were Rubén Roa Dueñas, undersecretary of the economy for the State of Baja California, Mexico; and Ambassador Carlos González Gutiérrez, consul general of Mexico, San Diego.
Mexico Chief Negotiator Provides Insight on USMCA at CalChamber Lunch

(January 30, 2020) The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a “wide, forward-looking agreement” that brought some of the best minds to the negotiating table, Dr. Jesús Seade Kuri, Mexico’s USMCA chief negotiator and undersecretary of foreign affairs for North America, told an intimate gathering of business and government leaders on Tuesday.
The January 28 luncheon held by the California Chamber of Commerce featured remarks from Seade, who explained some of the important aspects of the USMCA.
CalChamber Luncheon Highlights Challenges, Opportunities of Mexico-California Relationship

(May 8, 2019) The Consulate General of México, Sacramento, represented by Ambassador Liliana Ferrer, joined CalChamber in presenting the May 7 forum, attended by 100 guests. CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg introduced the panelists (pictured in respective order) providing the concise briefing:
- Dr. Pamela Starr, director of the U.S.-Mexico Network, University of Southern California, and senior advisor to Monarch Global Strategies. She spoke about the bilateral relationship with Mexico.
- Dr. Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute, who spoke about economic interdependence and the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
- Dr. Rafael Fernández de Castro, director of the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. He spoke about migration and border development.
Read more at the top story.
California-Mexico Partnership Luncheon Features Innovations in Energy, Education
(May 4, 2018) Energy projects that are helping foster innovations in California and Mexico were highlighted this week at an international luncheon forum co-hosted by the California Chamber of Commerce and the Consulate General of México of Sacramento for nearly 100 guests. Top Story & Videos
The luncheon was part of the Ninth Annual California Mexico Advocacy Day, which works to increase the relevance of Mexico’s relationship with the United States and the State of California.
Serving as moderator for the session was Dr. Hermann Tribukait, representative of Sener-Conacyt Funds for Energy Innovation in North America.
The featured panelists were:
- Dr. Michael Siminovitch, director, California Lighting Technology Center at the University of California, Davis;
- Dr. Mauricio Alcocer Ruthling, director of the Center for Sustainability and Renewable Energy at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara; and
- Dr. Luis Serra, executive director, Energy Initiative at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Multiple Mexico-California Connections in Spotlight at Luncheon

(May 3, 2017) The many ways in which California and Mexico gain economic strength from their trade and investment connections were highlighted at an international trade luncheon yesterday. About 100 guests attended the luncheon co-hosted by the California Chamber of Commerce, Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento and Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).
The luncheon was part of the Eighth Annual California Mexico Advocacy Day, intended to increase the relevance of Mexico’s relationship with the United States and California.
The speakers were Francisco Tovar, with Economic Affairs at the Mexico Embassy in Washington, D.C.; Benjamin De Alba, assistant secretary for rail and ports at the California State Transportation Agency; and Marcelo Sada, CEO of Source Logistics. CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg served as luncheon moderator.
North America Trade Policy: Opportunities Abound with California Neighbors
(March 8, 2017) CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg served as moderator of the gathering with more than 100 luncheon attendees. Speakers included: Brandon A. Lee, consul general of Canada; Pedro Noyola, Ph.D., former undersecretary of trade and foreign investment and undersecretary of finance of Mexico, and representative of Mexico in various trade negotiations; and Andrew Grant, president and CEO, Northern California World Trade Center.
Pedro Noyola, Ph.D.
The objectives of the CalChamber-supported NAFTA are to eliminate barriers to trade, promote conditions of fair competition, increase investment opportunities, provide adequate protection of intellectual property rights, establish effective procedures for implementing and applying the agreements and resolving disputes, and to further trilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation.
Dr. Pedro Noyola explained to the attendees that NAFTA faces logical and strategic difficulties that need to be addressed.
First and foremost, the means that is used to examine NAFTA’s performance must be examined correctly, he explained.
Although a country’s trade balance has been equated to a company’s income statement, those are “two completely different things,” Dr. Noyola said. “Trying to interpret a trade balance as you would the income statement of a company can lead to really serious problems.”
CalChamber Participates in Mexico’s Senate Delegation Visit
(February 28, 2017) The California Chamber of Commerce recently participated in meetings with a small visiting delegation of senators from Mexico, all members of the Foreign Affairs Committee – North America. CalChamber Vice President Susanne Stirling attended a Roundtable discussion held at the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento on Wednesday, February 15. The meeting included a presentation by Jose Blanco, Principal of the Central Valley Fund, outlining U.S.-Hispanic Trends and the economic integration between California and Mexico. Top Story
CalChamber Luncheon Highlights Mexico’s Energy Reform, Investment Opportunities
(May 3, 2016) Mexico’s Energy Reform and Investment Opportunities were the topic of discussion yesterday at a California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum with nearly 100 attending, part of the VII California-Mexico Advocacy Day organized by the office of Ambassador Alejandra Garcia Williams, Mexico’s Consul General in Sacramento. Top Story
The event featured presentations by:
Mtro. Leonardo Beltrán Rodríguez, Deputy Secretary for Energy Planning and Transition
Ministry of Energy / Secretaría de Energía, SENER
Ing. Marcos Valenzuela Ortiz, Director of Market Administration for the National Center of Energy Control / Centro Nacional de Control de Energia
Blair Swezey, Senior Director, U.S. Market Development and State Policy, SunPower
CalChamber, Mexican Consulate Share Strategies to Improve Relations

Strategies to improve the close relationship between Mexico and California were the focus when California Chamber of Commerce representatives met recently with the new Consul General of Mexico.
Mexico Consul General Alejandra Garcia-Williams and Consul of Political Affairs Yúriko L. Garcés Lee met on January 21 with CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg and Vice President of International Affairs Susanne Stirling.
Read Top Story – January 26, 2016
CalChamber Luncheon Spotlights Trade/Investment Opportunities in Mexico, California

(May 6, 2015) Trade and investment opportunities in Mexico and California were the topic of discussion at the CalChamber International Luncheon Forum as part of the VI California-Mexico Advocacy Day organized by Mexico’s Consulate General under the leadership of Gilberto Luna, acting consul general.
See Dr. Pedro Noyola’s PowerPoint Presentation
See Dr. Jose Blanco’s PowerPoint Presentation
See Mr. Marcelo Sada’s PowerPoint Presentation
Return Visit of Mexico’s President to CA
(August 27, 2014) On the last day of his first trip to the United States as president of Mexico, President Enrique Peña Nieto visited the state capital, where he attended a luncheon and met privately with Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and other elected officials.
The luncheon and meetings build upon Governor Brown’s trade mission to Mexico last month. During his trip, Governor Brown met privately with President Peña and signed several memorandums of understanding on trade, education and climate change with Mexican officials. Top Story.
North American Trade Pact: Opportunities for Improvement 20 Years Later
(May 6, 2014) Twenty years after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into force, trade among the United States, Canada and Mexico has increased and opportunities for improvement remain, a panel of experts told attendees at a California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon Forum yesterday cosponsored with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento. Speakers included: Duncan Wood, PhD, Director for the Mexico Institute for the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars; Jaana Remes, PhD, Partner at McKinsey Global Institute; and J. Edward Taylor, PhD, UC Davis Professor.Top Story
Fifth California-Mexico Advocacy Day: “Challenges and Opportunities 20 years from NAFTA”
Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento, May 6, 2014

Ambassador Highlights Importance of Strong Trade with Mexico
(March 30, 2012) U.S. Ambassador to Mexico E. Anthony Wayne discusses the importance of a strong trade relationship with Mexico at the California Chamber of Commerce International Breakfast forum.
Video (WMV)
Delegation from Sinaloa, Mexico
(November 7, 2011) A delegation from Sinaloa, Mexico met with Susanne Stirling at the CalChamber offices in Sacramento. With an opportunity to explore economic alliances between California and Sinaloa, Mexico, the meeting was to discuss the possibility of a trade mission from Sinaloa to California in 2012. For further information, please see:
The State of Sinaloa in northwest Mexico, offers a wide range of business opportunities. With a privileged location, diversity of climate and beautiful scenery, the state is an ideal destination for investment in multiple industries such as food, tourism, information technology, trade and logistics, as well as emerging industries such as biotechnology, clean energy . It is one of the states of Mexico with the best conditions for doing business, combining the support of government and the private sector, organized into institutions that promote investment and exports. In addition to its abundant natural resources, Sinaloa has a population dynamic and entrepreneurial, which is fundamental to the competitiveness of the state.
CalChamber Hosts Governor of Baja California
(October 20, 2009) Larry Dicke (left), CalChamber Executive Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, presents a gift bag to José Guadalupe Osuna Millán, Governor of Baja California.
Governor Osuna highlighted areas of opportunity in Baja including new infrastructure, binational border crossings, strategic projects and renewable energies.
Ambassador to Mexico Urges Building on Success of NAFTA

(September 12, 2007) Among attendees are (from left) Roger J. Baccigaluppi, RB International; California Secretary of Food and Agriculture A.G. Kawamura; California Secretary of State and Consumer Services Rosario Marin; California Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi; and CalChamber President Allan Zaremberg.
Read the Full article in Alert
CalChamber Hosts Governor of Sonora, Mexico
(August 17, 2015) The Honorable Eduardo Bours Castelo, Governor of Sonora, Mexico, meets with (from left) CalChamber President Allan Zaremberg and former CalChamber Chair Roger Baccigaluppi, CalChamber Board Member, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, RB International. He was also greeted by California government officials and businesspeople from California and Mexico.
CalChamber Hosts Vicente Fox, President of Mexico

(May 26, 2006) California Chamber President Allan Zaremberg (left) and Mexico President Vicente Fox listen to comments from the audience during a question-and-answer session with Fox at an international trade breakfast today hosted by the California Chamber of Commerce and the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for companies doing business with Mexico. President Fox’s talk at the California Chamber’s offices was part of a four-day visit to the United States with stops in Salt Lake City, Utah; Seattle, Washington; Sacramento and Los Angeles.
The more than 100 guests who greeted President Fox included a delegation of officials from Mexico, representatives of California’s state government and business people from California and Mexico, including representatives of agriculture, the service industry and manufacturing.
Related News
Key Country Contacts
CalChamber Resources
- Mexican Chambers in California
- Mexican Consular Contacts
- Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development Trade and Investment Desk: Mexico
- Select Committee on California-Mexico Cooperation
- HRCalifornia’s selection of forms and checklists in Spanish
- U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics – Mexico
- International Trade FAQs
- GO-Biz Stats: Mexican FDI in CA
- USMCA Tracker Data Tool from the Brookings Institute
- International Trade Administration Trade Statistics
- U.S. Commercial Service Mexico
- American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
- Select AmCham Doing Business Reports: Mexico
- Bancomext
- Maquila Portal
- Mexican Foreign Trade Council/ COMCE
- Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mexican Ministry of Tourism
- Mexican Presidential Office
- Mexico Tourism: Studio Jungla and City Express
- State Government of Baja, California
- San Diego and Tijuana Tourism Video
- 2024 U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue Mid-Year Review Fact Sheet
- Sister State – Baja California (Norte), Mexico
- Sister State – Baja California (Sur), Mexico
- Sister State – Jalisco, Mexico
- Sister State – Nayarit, Mexico
- Sister State – Queretaro, Mexico
- International Universities/Programs
- COMEXUS/Fulbright
- Matlac: Innovation and Education
- Steps to College 2024
- Over 60 California cities have sister cities in Mexico. See Sister Cities International.
- 100,000 Strong in the Americas