
CalChamber Members Work Together to Build Next Generation Container Ships

General Dynamics NASSCO and Matson Navigation Company, Inc., both members of the California Chamber of Commerce, announced in late August they had signed a...

CalChamber-Sought Amendments Protect Employers from Liability for Retirement Plan

Strong concerns expressed by the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of local chambers of commerce and other employer groups resulted in amendments...

CalChamber Reports on Status of Major Business Bills at Close of Session

Numerous business priorities remain to be considered by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. once they pass enrollment, the phase of the legislative process when...

CalChamber Issues Statement on Governor Signing SB 32 and AB 197

SACRAMENTO, CA — CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today issued this statement following Governor Brown signing SB 32 (Pavley) and AB 197 (E....

CalChamber Encourages Governor to Veto Duplicative Heat Illness Bill

The Legislature has sent to the Governor a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unnecessarily duplicates current requirements by directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a...
Job Creators

Job Creator Bill Increasing Housing Supply to Governor

A fourth California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill has reached the Governor’s desk. SB 1069 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont) creates and expedites additional housing supply by streamlining...

CalChamber Urging Congress to Act on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Congress returns from its summer recess today for four more weeks of pre-election action. The California Chamber of Commerce is urging the California congressional...

San Francisco Chronicle: Vote No on Prop 53: ‘A One-Man Crusade Isn’t the Way...

The San Francisco Chronicle yesterday announced its opposition to Proposition 53, warning that "the concept could be (a) fiscal disaster spawning lawsuits, delays and...

CalChamber Stops 19 Job Killer Bills

As the 2016 legislative session came to a close late Wednesday, 19 of 24 identified job killer bills had been effectively stopped through efforts...

Job Killer Update: Assembly Passes Costly New Leave Mandate

Action Needed: Contact the Governor to Request a Veto Yesterday, the Assembly passed a job killer bill that will significantly harm small businesses in California...

Assembly Passes Agriculture Overtime Bill

The Assembly yesterday passed a bill that could drive up costs of commodities to consumers by removing the existing overtime exemption allowed for agricultural...

State High Court Leaves Intact Decision Reversing Landmark Teacher Tenure Ruling

The California Supreme Court last week declined to review a decision by the Second District Court of Appeals overturning a landmark lower court ruling...

2030 Carbon Caps to Become Law

The California Legislature moved swiftly this week to adopt legislation expanding climate change emission goals. SB 32 (Pavley; D-Agoura Hills) mandates a reduction in greenhouse...
Job Creators

Two Job Creator Bills Head to Governor’s Desk

Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills are on their way to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s desk. AB 2664 (Irwin; D-Thousand Oaks)...

List of Shame Bill for Commercial Water Users Held on Senate Floor

The Senate has refused to pass a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have inappropriately made industrial, institutional, and commercial water use public information. AB 1520...

CalChamber Issues Statement on SB 32

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today issued the following statement following the Assembly floor vote on SB...

SB 654 is Attack on Small Business; CalChamber Issues Call to Action

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging small business owners to contact their legislators and the Governor to express strong opposition to SB 654...

Assembly to Consider Duplicative Heat Illness Bill

The Assembly will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unnecessarily duplicates current regulations by directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a regulation for indoor workers...

CalChamber-Opposed Criminal History Bill Stalls in Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have limited an employer’s ability to maintain a safe work environment for employees and consumers by...

Job Killer Update: CalChamber Identifies Two More Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified two additional job killers. This brings the list total to 24 bills. Gut and Amend SB 654 (Jackson; D-Santa...