Loren Kaye

Loren Kaye
Loren Kaye was appointed president of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education in January 2006. He has devoted his career to developing, analyzing and implementing public policy issues in California, with a special emphasis on improving the state's business and economic climate. He also was a gubernatorial appointee to the state's Little Hoover Commission, charged with evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies and programs. Kaye served in senior policy positions for Governors Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian, including Cabinet Secretary to the Governor and Undersecretary of the California Trade and Commerce Agency. See full bio.

Study Shows Employers Paying Price for Strain on Unemployment Insurance System

California’s vast unemployment insurance system has been under enormous strain since 2020, and employers are paying the price. A study in consultation with two eminent practitioners...

New Policy Tool on Higher Education and Workforce

A respected nonpartisan policy research organization has released a comprehensive and useful policy tool to assess and advance higher education and workforce outcomes. California Competes:...

Governor’s Infrastructure Proposal Cuts Red Tape to Speed Project Delivery

Budget surpluses may be a thing of the past, but Governor Gavin Newsom can still initiate massive new investments in state infrastructure—if he can...
Loren Kaye

Prudent Budget Proposal Keeps Key Commitments, No Tax Hikes

Governor Gavin Newsom released his revised budget last Friday, revealing a larger revenue shortfall, higher estimated safety net spending, but even so not a...
Loren Kaye

Assembly Committee Approves Bill Undermining Direct Democracy

Legislation that would diminish voters’ ability to hold elected leaders accountable was approved by the Assembly Elections Committee yesterday. Introduced by the committee chairman, Assemblymember...
Loren Kaye

How ‘New Frontier’ Tax Will Hurt State Revenues

To the delight of the tax and spending lobby, Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San Jose) has again introduced a tax on wealth. Inspired by government...

Don’t Treat California as a ‘Luxury Good’

The Golden State has enjoyed as much prosperity and created as much wealth as any society on the planet. Its economic output rivals Germany and...

Governor’s Budget Plans for Uncertain Economy

Governor Gavin Newsom presented a balanced budget with no new general tax increases. He identified a $22.5 billion “shortfall” between previously expected revenues and...
Property Taxes

Voters Maintain Support for Proposition 13, Increase Support for Improving Resolution of Labor Litigation

We previously reported on voters’ anxieties about the economy, the state’s business climate, crime, and drought and climate change. Voters have strong opinions about...

Drought Relief Top Priority for Voters; Climate Change Costs Also Concern

Earlier reports examined voters’ anxieties about the economy, the state’s business climate, and crime. Voters also have strong opinions about issues that affect their...

Voters’ Unease on Crime, Homelessness Colors Views of Future

We recently reported on voters’ concerns about the economy and the state’s business climate. Based on the CalChamber poll’s findings, it is safe to...

Economic Uncertainty, Need to Improve Business Climate Top of Mind for California Voters

California voters are readying themselves to face lean economic times, and want state elected leaders to do likewise, according the latest CalChamber poll, the...
Loren Kaye

Despite Economic Ranking, California Has Third Worst Business Tax Climate in US

California’s global rank among economies may be 5th, 6th or even 4th, but bragging rights make little difference to the day-to-day struggles that business...
Loren Kaye

SB 1149 Would Upend Intellectual Property Rights, Expose California Companies to Piracy

California’s economic success can be credited to two often-related advantages: a skilled workforce and a culture of innovation. Our workforce has been nurtured by the...

Federal Inflation Reduction Bill: Impact on California

Given its size and economic diversity, California will both enjoy and suffer some major effects of the Inflation Reduction Act — approved Saturday by...
Voter Attitudes Survey

High Cost of Living Drives Voter Concerns

The cost of living weighs heavily on the minds of voters, and has become the principal lens through which they consider California public policy...
Loren Kaye

Unprecedented Budget Surplus Is Focus of May Revision

To nobody’s surprise, Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday announced another upward revision in the state’s general revenues—a $55 billion bump since January. To the...
Loren Kaye

We’ve Reached Peak Budget

The Legislative Analyst has cried “last call” for the state budget bash. Even as the State Legislature enjoys the prospect of spending record budget surpluses, its...
Loren Kaye

Gas Prices and the Gann Limit

Nothing shouts “cost of living” quite as loudly as gasoline prices in Los Angeles averaging $6.01 a gallon. Inflation has reached a 40-year high...
Loren Kaye

Revenue Windfall Provides Opportunity for More UI Funding, Tax Credits for COVID Sick Leave...

California’s mighty work-from-home economic engine continues to create massive value for workers, employers and entrepreneurs—and not incidentally for the state treasury. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst...