California Department of Public Health Seeks to Accelerate Vaccine Distribution

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued recommendations for accelerating the pace at which COVID-19 vaccines are distributed to Californians. Currently, the state’s population is divided into four prioritization groups which outlines when and who receives the vaccine.

The CDPH’s most recent recommendations to local health departments and providers states that COVID-19 vaccines should be immediately administered to individuals in all tiers of Phase 1a.  Group 1a is comprised of approximately 3 million people and includes healthcare workers and long-term care residents. This demographic includes a wide range of people in health care settings such as community health care workers, public health field staff, primary care clinics, specialty clinics, laboratory workers, dental clinics and pharmacy staff.

According to the CDPH, the latest recommendations “clarify the state’s vaccine prioritization process and that after appropriate efforts to reach highest priority groups, health departments and providers may offer doses to lower priority groups when high-priority demand subsides, or when doses are about to expire.” This approach will maximize vaccine administration and reduce the potential for waste.

CalChamber has called for vaccine prioritization to be given to:

  • Workers in the supply chain who are directly responsible for ensuring the safe and timely delivery of the vaccine itself;
  • The most at-risk members of society when holistically considering comorbidities, virus exposure, living situation and ability to safely isolate, function and necessity of their critical work;
  • Teachers, educators, and childcare providers who must return to the classroom and childcare settings for the benefit of children and so that parents can return to work when safe;
  • Agricultural, food, beverage, medication/nutritional supplement workers who provide essential and necessary products to the population.

Staff Contact: Preston Young

Preston Young
Preston R. Young joined the California Chamber of Commerce in October 2019 as a policy advocate, specializing in health care policy and taxation issues. He was named a senior policy advocate starting January 1, 2024 in recognition of his efforts on behalf of members. Young came to CalChamber from Schuering Zimmerman & Doyle, LLP, where he specialized in medical malpractice, health care, product liability and elder abuse litigation. Young holds a B.A. in communications from Saint Mary’s College of California, and earned a J.D. from Golden Gate University School of Law, where he was associate editor of the Environmental Law Journal. See full bio.