State Holding Employment Status Seminars Statewide

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has scheduled free seminars throughout the state on AB 5 and the ABC test for classifying workers.

AB 5 (Gonzalez; D-San Diego; Chapter 296) placed into law starting January 1 the ABC test for determining whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor.

The seminars generally are scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon. According to the EDD website, seminar attendees will learn about the ABC test and “excepted categories,” how to distinguish between employees and independent contractors, and resources to help classify workers.

To register, visit EDD’s payroll tax seminars section at and select “AB 5/ABC Test – Employment Status Seminar” in the dropdown menu.

Other State Resources

The California Labor and Workforce Development Agency has set up, to serve as a one-stop shop of online resources for workers and employers.

The agency describes the website as a place where it and its departments, including EDD, the Labor Commissioner’s Office, the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) and the Division of Workers’ Compensation are coordinating information and services about AB 5 and its enforcement.

Also available on the website is information about the ABC test and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about AB 5, misclassification, employee protections and employer obligations.

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