Tag: Podcast

The Workplace Podcast

New Podcast: Marijuana and the Workplace

In the newest episode of CalChamber’s podcast, The Workplace, CalChamber General Counsel and Executive Vice President Erika Frank is joined by employment law attorney...
The Workplace Podcast

New Podcast: Men and #MeToo Movement

The latest episode of CalChamber’s The Workplace podcast focuses on men and the #MeToo movement. As more publicity is being given to instances of...
The Workplace Podcast

California Leads Presidential Election Landscape in 2020

California voters have achieved a new milestone: the distinction of being an early presidential primary state due to the Legislature moving the date up...
The Workplace Podcast

Dynamex—The Elimination of Independent Contractors?

The California Supreme Court’s April 2018 decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles completely changed the way in which...
The Workplace Podcast

CalChamber Launches The Workplace Podcast: First Episode Discusses Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Today the California Chamber of Commerce launched The Workplace, a podcast that provides expert and entertaining commentary on issues critical to California employers and...

Video: The Workplace a Podcast by CalChamber

Today the California Chamber of Commerce launched The Workplace, a podcast that provides expert and entertaining commentary on issues critical to California employers and...