Tag: Coronavirus

Loren Kaye

Too Soon for Taxes in State Budget

Despite facing a June 15 deadline to pass a state budget, Governor Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders are, prudently, deferring a number of major...

Job Killer Bills Dramatically Increase Workers’ Compensation Costs

Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills that will substantially increase workers' compensation costs by establishing a "conclusive presumption" of workplace injury for...

Job Killer Bill Will Limit Lending Opportunities for Californians

A bill that will limit the financial opportunities for Californians, further harming the housing market and creating job loss is advancing in the Assembly. AB...
CalChamber Advocacy

CalChamber Urges Immediate Action to Foster Economic Recovery

Letter Sent to Governor and Legislative Leadership Provides Specific Steps to Speed Recovery from COVID-19 Crisis The California Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to...

CalChamber Offers Recommendations to Fire Up California’s Economic Recovery

Setting liability limits for employers facing lawsuits over COVID-19 exposure, postponing the 2021 minimum wage hike, and expediting retraining programs for unemployed workers are...

Job Killer Bills Impose New Leave Mandates; Raise Costs, Burdens on Employers

Job killing legislation that will threaten small employers with costly litigation, increased financial burdens, and new or extended leaves of absence is advancing in...
The Workplace Podcast

COVID-19: What Employers Ask Part 2

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and Labor Law Adviser Ellen Savage discuss the...

Job Killer Update: AB 2501 Added to List, 1 Bill Stalled, 1 Bill Removed

A job killer bill that will significantly restrict Californians’ ability to access home and auto loans by placing onerous burdens on lenders, which will...
CalChamber Advocacy

Job Killer Update: AB 2501 Added to List, 1 Bill Stalled, 1 Bill Removed

The California Chamber of Commerce today added AB 2501 (Limón; D-Santa Barbara) to its Job Killer list. The bill requires lenders to maintain home and...

More Important Than Ever: Maintaining and Improving Free Trade, Investment

The world has quickly changed over the last few months and during these strange and uncertain times, the importance of international trade has been...

Governor Lays Out Plan for Solving Record State Budget Deficit

Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed solving a record budget deficit by tapping reserves, borrowing money from special funds, deferring spending and raising some targeted...

COVID-19 and Form I-9 Requirements

Our offices are closed due to COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order. We hired an employee who will be working at home remotely until we...

HR Boot Camp Pivots to Virtual Format

With the enthusiastic help of seminar attendees, the California Chamber of Commerce converted its in-person HR Boot Camp to a virtual seminar last week. Using...

Open for Business: ‘Lower-Risk’ Businesses May Reopen Today

Lower-risk workplaces and businesses such as clothing stores, florists and manufacturers may reopen today with adaptations as California enters the first phase of Stage...

Governor’s Workers’ Compensation Order: Presume COVID-19 Illness Arises from the Job

Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed an executive order establishing a rebuttable presumption that any COVID-19 related illness of an employee who worked outside the...
The Workplace Podcast

Tips for Reopening Your Workplace

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank, and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw offer tips...

Varied Responses to Coronavirus Pandemic Affect Trade Between U.S., Canada, Mexico

Trade among the United States, Canada and Mexico is being affected in ways as varied as the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the...

West Coast Organizations Promote Trade to Fuel Economic Recovery

The California Chamber of Commerce, the Pacific Northwest International Trade Association and the Washington Council on International Trade shared their support and principles for...

Food Producer Outlines Keys to Restoring Economy After COVID-19

Restoring confidence and supporting economic growth are two keys to moving forward from the COVID-19 pandemic, the CEO of a Central Valley cheese producer...

Does the California Consumer Privacy Act Prevent Me from Checking Employees’ Temperatures?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our economy, business owners are trying their best to ensure that employees returning to the workplace are...