Tag: Anthony Samson

CalChamber Helps Organize Informational Proposition 65 Workshop

The California Chamber of Commerce joined the California League of Food Producers in presenting a Proposition 65 workshop for members yesterday. CalChamber Policy Advocate...

Appeals Court Rules that Project Consistency with GHG Plan Sufficient Under CEQA

A recent appeals court decision provides further guidance on what qualifies as an adequate greenhouse gas (GHG) impact analysis under the California Environmental Quality...

CalChamber-Led Coalition Continues Push to Clarify Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules

A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce continues to highlight “unclear and ambiguous” sections of draft changes to the state’s Proposition 65...

Language Increasing Permit Processing Costs Inserted into Budget Trailer Bills

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed language that significantly increases permit processing costs has been inserted into two budget trailer bills, which have been designated as...

Three Housing and Land Use Bills Await Action by Legislators

California legislators can either hurt or help housing availability and affordability depending on how they vote on the following three bills. Affordable Housing Barriers The California...

CalChamber Identifies 21st Job Killer

The California Chamber of Commerce yesterday added a budget trailer proposal to its job killer list, bringing the total number of job killers to...

Hazardous Waste Permitting Fees Budget Trailer Proposal

https://youtu.be/PwPMwECem9M CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson discusses a budget trailer proposal that seeks to eliminate a predictable and workable flat permitting fee option for permit...

Environmental Job Killer Bills Recap

https://youtu.be/WxVdT1Jp5os CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson reviews the impact of pending legislation assaulting in-state energy production (AB 1882; Williams; D-Santa Barbara) and making the hazardous...

Scheduling Mandate Job Killer Bill

https://youtu.be/0YKZbToqrGY CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera describes for the CalChamber Capitol Summit audience on May 17 this year's approach to scheduling mandates, SB 878 (Leyva;...

CEQA Reform Prospects

https://youtu.be/pNFi8mdSBCE In response to a question at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May 17, CalChamber Policy Advocate Anthony Samson assesses the prospects for reform of...

Latest Draft Prop. 65 Warning Regulations Take Several Steps Backwards

The latest proposed revisions to the state’s Proposition 65 warning regulations are problematic and unworkable, the California Chamber of Commerce and a broad coalition...

CalChamber Identifies 14th Job Creator Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a new job creator bill, bringing the current list to 14 bills. The latest bill, SB 1069...

Job Killer No. 20 Stalls on Assembly Floor

A day after being added to the California Chamber of Commerce job killer list, a bill dealing with release clauses fell short of votes...

CalChamber Identifies 20th Job Killer Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce yesterday added AB 2748 (Gatto) to its job killer list, bringing the total number of bills to 20. The...

Job Killer Bill Erodes Housing Affordability

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer that increases the cost and reduces the supply of housing by authorizing local governments to make inclusionary...

CalChamber-Backed Mining Reform Laws Protect In-State Supply of Critical Materials

California Chamber of Commerce-supported legislation modernizing the operation of surface mines in the state and ensuring the market for construction materials remains viable and...

Alameda Court Ruling Favors Business Community

Keeps Current Prop. 65 Lead Standard Intact In a favorable ruling for the California Chamber of Commerce and the broader business community, an Alameda Superior...

CalChamber, Coalition Continue to Voice Concerns on Draft Prop. 65 Warning Regulations

Although improved since previous iterations, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 warning regulations continue to be a...

CalChamber-Opposed Online Ingredient Communication Mandate Stopped on Assembly Floor

A new consumer product ingredient communication mandate that would have stifled innovation and imposed unnecessary burdens on businesses failed to pass the Assembly yesterday. AB...

California Supreme Court Issues Blow to Major So Cal Green Development

Yesterday, the California Supreme Court issued a disappointing decision in Center for Biological Diversity et al, v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife and...