Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
APEC Leaders’ Meeting 2023—San Francisco
California Officials, CalChamber Members Highlight State Innovations at Asia-Pacific Leaders Summit
CalChamber, November 17
Asia-Pacific Leaders Summit in San Francisco: CalChamber Board Firms Play Influential Role
CalChamber, November 17
Asia-Pacific Business Leaders Gather in SF for Multiple Meetings on Global Economy
CalChamber, November 17
Biden and Xi Are Meeting in San Francisco, Seeking Better US-China Relations Despite Tough Issues
CalChamber, November 15
East West Bank CEO Dominic Ng Gives Business a Voice at Asia-Pacific Leaders Summit
CalChamber, November 14
CalChamber to Attend APEC CEO Summit in San Francisco
CalChamber, November 13
San Francisco Preparing to Host Asia-Pacific Leaders Meeting This Fall
CalChamber, July 25, 2023
San Francisco Mayor London Breed Announces
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Honorary Committee Members
Office of the Mayor, June 30, 2023
San Francisco Announced as Host City for Asia-Pacific Leaders Meeting in Fall 2023
CalChamber, November 21, 2022
Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris on Selection of San Francisco as Host City for 2023 APEC Leaders Meeting
White House, November 18, 2022
United States to Host APEC Summit Next Year -White House
Reuters, February 10, 2022
Statement by Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the United States Hosting APEC in 2023
White House, February 10, 2022
APEC Economy Fact Sheets on APEC Member Countries , 2018
Remarks by President Trump at APEC CEO Summit in Da Nang, Vietnam
The White House, November 10, 2017
Congressional Leaders Introduce APEC Resolution
May 18, 2017 – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT), House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR), and House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) introduced resolution, S. Con. Res. 16 and H. Con. Res. 54, expressing support for stronger relations between the United States and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
The National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) welcomed the introduction of S. Con. Res. 16 and H. Con. Res. 54, expressing support for stronger relations between the United States and the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
President Aquino: APEC Philippines 2015 to Build More “Inclusive Economies”
November 7, 2014 – Beijing, China – U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman today delivered the following opening remarks, “As we consider how to guide APEC in the right direction, I think the three priority pillars highlighted this year by China – regional economic integration, innovative development, and connectivity – provide us with a framework to address these challenges and shape a forward agenda that will guide us for the next 25 years.
FACT SHEET: APEC on Travel Facilitation
President Obama Signs into Law the APEC Business Travel Cards Act of 2011
S. 1487 supports expanded business travel and trade with the Asia-Pacific region and would allow business leaders from the United States and senior government officials who are actively engaged in APEC business to receive APEC Business Travel Cards (ABTCs) that would expedite their international travel within the 21 APEC member countries.
International Delegates Conclude APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting in San Francisco
(September 2011) Delegates from around the Pacific Rim have concluded the largest set of high-level diplomatic talks to be held in San Francisco.
Hosting the September 12 through September 26 gathering was the CalAPEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) committee, of which the California Chamber of Commerce is a founding member.
California’s participation in APEC was first announced at the CalChamber Council for International Trade (CIT) meeting in 2008 by CIT member Paul Oliva, who since has been directing the CalAPEC organization.
The core mission of the APEC is to promote trade and investment among the Asia-Pacific member economies, strengthen economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as make regional economic growth more inclusive and sustainable.
The APEC Senior Officials’ meeting attracted approximately 3,000 delegates representing the 21 APEC member economies. In total there were 100 foreign ministers, Cabinet-level ministers and ambassadors participating.
Dignitaries attending the APEC gathering included U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
The schedule included 150 official and public-private sessions and functions. There were an intensive series of meetings, including the Senior Officials’ Meeting, working group and committee meetings, together with public-private forums involving senior government and private sector leaders. Discussions centered on energy, transportation, women and the economy, digital prosperity, health care innovation, and many other topics.
The positive local economic impact of the APEC is expected to total at least $20 million.
With statements on topics ranging from transportation, energy, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and women in the economy, APEC leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama, will meet next in Honolulu in November for the final 2011 meeting hosted by the U.S.
San Francisco Topics
In San Francisco, APEC transportation ministers pledged to continue working toward a safe, secure, seamless and sustainable transportation system. At the conclusion of the ministerial meeting, a joint ministerial statement was issued covering: promoting green growth and innovation in transportation; enhancing regulatory cooperation; and strengthening regional economic integration.
The summit addressed access to capital and markets for women, building their capacities and skills, and supporting the rise of women leaders in the public and private sectors. Participants also discussed innovation, green growth, technology, entrepreneurship, and public-private partnerships.
APEC trade ministers had already identified three “next generation” trade and investment issues: facilitating global supply chains; enhancing SME participation in global production chains; and promoting effective, non-discriminatory and market-driven innovation policy.
CalChamber Members
Supporting the effort to bring the Senior Officials’ Meeting to San Francisco were a number of CalChamber member companies, including:
- Bank of America;
- Better Place;
- Cange International, Inc.;
- Chevron Corporation (S. Shariq Yosufzai of Chevron is the 2011 CalChamber chair);
- Cisco Systems, Inc.;
- DeVry Inc.;
- Echelon;
- Levi Strauss & Co.;
- Marvell Technologies;
- Otis-McAllister, Inc.;
- Toyota USA;
- USS-POSCO Industries;
- Visa Inc.; and
- W.J. Byrnes & Co.
Christopher Reynolds of Toyota Motor Sales, USA Inc. and Margaret Wong of McWong International, Inc., both members of the CalChamber Board of Directors, were delegates.
The APEC 2011 California Host Committee, or CalAPEC, was the local host committee for APEC 2011 talks. It is a statewide coalition of business, government and international organizations under the umbrella of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute and the CalChamber. The committee also ensured that U.S. objectives reflect good policy for the Golden State as California is more dependent on Asia-Pacific business than any other U.S. state.
Susanne Stirling, CalChamber vice president of international affairs, was a private sector adviser to the U.S. delegation.
Photos From APEC Gathering in San Francisco

San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee welcomed the APEC energy and transportation ministers, including U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu and U.S. Transportation Secretary Raymond LaHood, at a reception held Monday, September 12 at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park.

California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. welcomed the 21 member economies of APEC to California for the intensive series of meetings, including the Senior Officials’ Meeting, working group and committee meetings, together with public-private forums involving senior government and private sector leaders. Discussions centered on energy, transportation, women and the economy, digital prosperity, health care innovation, and many other topics.

Attendees at the Transportation and Energy Ministerial portion of the two-week APEC gathering included 2011 CalChamber Chair S. Shariq Yosufzai of Chevron Corporation and the Consul General of the Republic of Singapore, Hock Seng Chin. Chevron is a member of the APEC Host Committee. Singapore is the 11th largest export market for California.
A major strategic trading partner of the United States and one of America’s closest friends, Singapore has one of the most open, well-regulated, safe and secure investment climates in the world. It is consistently rated among the most competitive economies in the world. The U.S.- Singapore Free Trade Agreement is making this productive relationship even closer. Singapore is one of the 21 member economies of APEC.

Michael Obermire, director of business planning for USS-POSCO Industries, addressed the APEC Transportation and Energy Ministerial on Tuesday, September 13 at the Westin St Francis Hotel.
USS-POSCO is the largest steel producer in the United States and ranks 10th globally. USS-Posco is a longtime CalChamber member and Obermire is an active member of the CalChamber Council for International Trade.

John Leitner, president and CEO of W.J. Byrnes & Company, hosted APEC delegates participating in the Customs Procedures discussions to a cultural event—“The Journey to America.” Delegates sailed on the historic Presidential Yacht Potomac and visited Angel Island to tour the historic U.S. Immigration Station. The U.S. Coast Guard was on board to welcome delegates as well. W.J. Byrnes & Company is a longtime CalChamber member and Leitner is an active member of the CalChamber Council for International Trade. W.J. Byrnes & Company is a custom brokerage firm established in 1907.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a featured speaker at the Women and the Economy Summit portion of the APEC gathering. Summit attendees included Paul Oliva, head of the CalAPEC committee; Janet Lamkin, California state president of Bank of America and a member of the CalChamber Board of Directors; Marie Chinnichi-Everitt of Bank of America; Oakland Mayor Jean Quan; Jim Wunderman, president and CEO of the Bay Area Council.
Updates from the APEC Senior Officials’ Meetings in San Francisco
APEC Wine Regulatory Forum Press Release
Wine Institute – 9/21/2011
San Francisco hosts Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
San Francisco Examiner – 9/15/2011
Speaking Points: APEC Customs Business Dialogue
Laurie Goldman, Levi Strauss & Co.
Member, CalChamber Council for International Trade 9/17/2011
First-hand benefits of free trade
Michael L. Ducker, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, FedEx Express,
Vice Chairman, APEC 2011 USA Host Committee, former U.S. APEC Business Advisory Council member,
The – 9/14/2011
Governor Brown Calls for Pacific Rim Leaders to Wage War on Unemployment
Office of Governor – Press Release 9/13/2011
APEC Transportation and Energy Ministerial Meeting Remarks
Michael Obermire, Director of Business Planning, USS-POSCO,
Member, CalChamber Council for International Trade 9/13/2011
California: America’s Gateway for Pacific Rim Economies
CalChamber, APEC Meeting Brochure 9/12/2011
Recent Events
Asia Pacific Trade Matters Get Attention at CalChamber Gatherings

(June 1, 2011) Ambassador Kurt Tong discusses upcoming meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) at an international forum presented by the CalChamber Council for International Trade, chaired by Susan Corrales-Diaz.
Click here for full Alert article
APEC was formed in 1989. It serves as a multilateral forum in which Asian and Pacific economies can solve economic problems and cooperate in developing key economic sectors.
Collectively, the 21 economies of APEC, which touch the Pacific Ocean, represent a large consumer market – 38% of the world’s population, 69% of global GDP, and 47% of the world’s trade as of 2018. (USTR)
The APEC economies are: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Republic of the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, United States and Vietnam.
In 2022, the U.S. exported $1.24 trillion to the countries of APEC and imported $2.17 trillion. California exported $129.89 billion to APEC in 2022. Of total California exports to APEC, $29.66 billion consisted of computer and electronics. Other top exports included non-electrical machinery, transportation equipment, processed foods, and chemicals. California imported $406 billion from APEC in 2022, $125.37 billion of which was made up computers and electronic products. Other top imports included: transportation equipment, electrical equipment, miscellaneous manufactured goods, and non-electrical machinery.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. goods exports to APEC countries supported an estimated 4.2 million jobs in 2015. US FDI into APEC totaled $1.4 trillion in 2018 concentrated in the nonbank holding companies, manufacturing, and finance/insurance sectors. APEC FDI into the US was $1.2 trillion in 2018 concentered in the manufacturing, wholesale trade, and finance/insurance sectors.
APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting in SF
On September 13, 2010, the U.S. State Department announced that San Francisco will host Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meetings in September 2011. Integral to bringing the APEC meetings to San Francisco was the public-private statewide organizing committee, CalAPEC. CalAPEC is led by San Francisco businessman Paul Oliva with the support of the California Chamber of Commerce, Bay Area Council Economic Institute, and other regional business leaders. APEC is the first high-level international government meeting for either San Francisco or California to bid on and win in more than a decade.
The APEC process rotates by country each year. Japan hosted the APEC meetings in 2010.
APEC’s San Francisco meetings were in preparation for a November 2011 heads-of-state meeting in Honolulu. Senior Officials’ and other high-level meetings will be held in Washington D.C. and Montana earlier in the year.
APEC ministers have met each year since November 1994, when they issued the Bogor Declaration, which calls for industrialized members of APEC to remove trade barriers. The last time the United States hosted APEC was in 1993, with ministerial and summit meetings in the Seattle area.
CalChamber Position
The CalChamber, in keeping with long-standing policy, enthusiastically supports free trade worldwide, expansion of international trade and investment, fair and equitable market access for California products abroad and elimination of disincentives that impede the international competitiveness of California business. New multilateral, sectoral and regional trade agreements ensure that the United States may continue to gain access to world markets, resulting in an improved economy and additional employment of Americans.
The APEC is important as a vehicle for all Asia-Pacific economic integration.
This regional group sets a high standard that will enhance the competitiveness of the countries that are part of it and help facilitate trade and promote investment among them, increasing their economic growth and development.
APEC 2011 Meetings
Meetings all year
Location: United States – Honolulu, HI with several key meetings in San Francisco, CA and Los Angeles, CA
- U.S. State Department – Letter to CalAPEC re: 2011 APEC – 11.23.09
- CalAPEC – Letter to President Obama – 10.23.09
- CalAPEC – Bipartisan House Support Letter – 04.27.09
- Governor Schwarzenegger – Supporting CalAPEC Re: 2011 APEC – 12.31.08
- CalChamber Letter : CalAPEC – 12.17.08
Related News
Key Links
APEC Business Advisory Council
Highlights from the Third Senior Officials Meeting in Vietnam
August 2017
APEC CEO Summit Brochure
3rd APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting to Be Held in San Francisco 9.13.10.
– U.S. State Department Press Release 9.13.10
Governor Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Announcement APEC Meetings to Be Held in San Francisco
– Press Release 9.13.10
USTR Names Big Sky, Montana Site Of 2011 APEC Trade Ministerial – 3.19.10