Human Resources / Health and Safety

The Workplace Podcast

132a Workers’ Comp Pitfalls to Avoid

Employees who get injured at work, whether due to an accident or an illness, can file a workers’ compensation claim. What employers may not...
Ballot Box

Voter’s Choice Act May Be Game Changer for Voting Time Off Rules

My employee wants to take time off to vote in the California Primary Election on March 3. She says I have to pay her...
The Workplace Podcast

Employer Do’s/Don’ts of Workplace Dating

Given how much time people spend at work, it comes as no surprise that many people date or have dated someone at their workplace....

Surprise! 2020 Promises More Workplace Regulations for California’s Employers

2019 brought some big changes under Cal/OSHA, and 2020 is virtually certain to bring new obligations for employers confronting some very hot new issues--including...
The Workplace Podcast

What AB 51’s Preliminary Injunction Means for California Employers

U.S. District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller formalized on February 7 her order halting enforcement of and invalidating in full an anti-arbitration law identified by the...

First Entries on 2020 Job Killer List Similar to Previous Failed Proposals

Yesterday, the California Chamber of Commerce named two recently introduced bills as 2020 job killers. The bills are very similar to prior versions also identified...

CalChamber Job Killer Update: SB 850, SB 873 Tagged as 2020 Job Killers

The California Chamber of Commerce today announced that two recently introduced bills will be on its upcoming 2020 Job Killer list.  These bills are very...
The Workplace Podcast

Super Bowl Flu, Gambling and Red Carpet Reviews: The Impact of Cultural Events in...

In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw discuss the...

Job Killer Update: 10 Bills Stopped, 2 Bills Advance

Ten California Chamber of Commerce job killer bills carried over from last year’s legislative session are dead for the year after missing a key...

CalChamber Hails Ruling Invalidating AB 51

The California Chamber of Commerce today welcomed a ruling by United States District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller halting enforcement of and invalidating in full...
The Workplace Podcast

New Law Expands Definition of Registered Domestic Partnership, Add Flex Plan Notice Requirement

In keeping with the new year theme, today's podcast includes two new "sleeper laws" that took effect on Jan. 1, 2020. These laws have...

Oh, What a Relief It Isn’t – AB 5 and the B2B Exemption

The new law governing independent contracting, AB 5, includes what can be described as a business-to-business (B2B) exemption. But a close examination of the...

Podcast Shares Questions Asked Most Often at Employment Law Updates Seminars

The California Chamber of Commerce employment law team has been on the road throughout January, conducting Employment Law Updates seminars and explaining changes that...

State Holding Employment Status Seminars Statewide

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has scheduled free seminars throughout the state on AB 5 and the ABC test for classifying workers. AB 5...
The Workplace Podcast

HR Experts Recap New State Lactation Accommodation Rules

California's new lactation accommodation law, effective Jan. 1, 2020, affects a broad spectrum of California employers. In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber...

CalChamber Renews Fight Against Five Job Killer Bills

Legislators Moving Forward with Previously Stalled Proposals The California Chamber of Commerce today announced it is continuing the battle against five job killer bills that...

CalChamber Renews Fight Against Five Job Killer Bills

Legislators Moving Forward with Previously Stalled Proposals The California Chamber of Commerce today announced it is continuing the battle against five job killer bills that...
The Workplace Podcast

What to Do When Your HR Recommendations Are Ignored, Dismissed

Human resources professionals often have some of the most difficult conversations in the workplace. Whether they need to mediate workplace conflict or craft policies...

Court to Consider Permanent Injunction on Arbitration Law; Prop. 65 Acrylamide Lawsuit Pending

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller is expected to hear arguments on whether to permanently stop a new California law banning arbitration agreements...

AB 51 Litigation Update: Court Grants CalChamber’s Request for Temporary Restraining Order

A federal judge on Monday issued a temporary restraining order to prevent AB 51 from going into effect on January 1. A hearing for...