
The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Newspapers Statewide Endorse Proposition 54

With the November 8 General Election looming, newspapers statewide have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 54. Proposition 54...

Numerous California Newspapers Endorse Proposition 52

With just a week until the General Election, newspapers up and down the state have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber...

CalChamber Backs Prop 51; Recommends Businesses Support Education Facilities Bond

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging its members to support Proposition 51, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of...

Governor Brown, Most California Newspapers Oppose Proposition 53

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and newspapers statewide are recommending that voters reject California Chamber of Commerce-opposed Proposition 53, which requires a statewide election...

CalChamber Issues Vote Record on Major Business Bills 2016

The California Chamber of Commerce has released a report of California legislators’ floor votes for the second year of the 2015-16 legislative session, focusing...

CalChamber Offers Employers Guidelines for Political Communications to Employees

A brochure available online from the California Chamber of Commerce offers employers a concise overview of the do’s and don’ts of communicating with employees...

12 CalChamber Members Make San Diego Area Best Places to Work List

Twelve California Chamber of Commerce member companies were recently selected by the San Diego Business Journal as some of the best places to work...

California Supreme Court Rejects ‘New Project’ Test; State Agencies to Determine If Additional Environmental...

The California Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that subsequent changes to a development project which has already been subject to review under the California...

CalChamber Releases Final Status Report on Major Business Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce has published its final status report on the top priority bills for California’s business community, showing the ultimate fate...
CalChamber Advocacy

Legislative Recap: Hard-Won Gains for Employers in Some Areas Offset by More Costs in...

The California Chamber of Commerce had a mix of wins and losses for the legislative year; stopping dozens of harmful bills and helping to...

Governor Vetoes Job Killer; SB 654 Would Have Imposed Significant Costs on Small Business

SACRAMENTO, CA — The Governor today vetoed SB 654 (Jackson), a CalChamber job killer bill that would have increased costs and burdens on small...

Governor Vetoes Disincentive to Settle Litigation

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recently vetoed a former job killer bill that would have prohibited use of release clauses, thereby discouraging parties from...

CalChamber President Issues Statement on Passing of Former Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas

SACRAMENTO, CA — California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg today released the following statement on the passing of former Chief Justice...
Job Creators

Governor Signs Two Job Creator Bills

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills yesterday. SB 936(Hertzberg; D-Van Nuys) encourages creation of small business by...

Economy Pushes Through Global Turbulence; State Still Among Fastest Growing in U.S.

The California economy, like the nation overall, slowed its pace of growth over the past year. Still, the state remains one of the fastest...

CalChamber Reports on Status of Major Business Bills at Close of Session

Numerous business priorities remain to be considered by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. once they pass enrollment, the phase of the legislative process when...
Job Creators

Job Creator Bill Increasing Housing Supply to Governor

A fourth California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill has reached the Governor’s desk. SB 1069 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont) creates and expedites additional housing supply by streamlining...

San Francisco Chronicle: Vote No on Prop 53: ‘A One-Man Crusade Isn’t the Way...

The San Francisco Chronicle yesterday announced its opposition to Proposition 53, warning that "the concept could be (a) fiscal disaster spawning lawsuits, delays and...

CalChamber Stops 19 Job Killer Bills

As the 2016 legislative session came to a close late Wednesday, 19 of 24 identified job killer bills had been effectively stopped through efforts...
CalChamber Advocacy

Appropriations Committees Clear Suspense Files; One Job Killer, One Job Creator Move to Floor

Yesterday was the deadline for fiscal committees to send bills in their second house to the floor. One job killer bill passed to the...