Adam Regele
Problematic Single-Use Packaging Bills Face Final Hurdle in Legislature
As the state struggles to climb out of a $54 billion deficit, contain more than 500 active wildfires, prevent further blackouts, solve an ongoing...
Job Killer Bill Lays COVID-19 Economic Fallout on Rental Property Owners
A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that shifts the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic fallout for tenants onto rental property owners will be considered...
Bill That Will Kill Thousands of High-Wage Jobs to Be Heard in Senate Committee...
A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that threatens thousands of high-wage jobs throughout California and could increase the state's reliance on foreign...
Author Attempts to Revive Failed Job Killer Housing Bill
With only about four weeks left in the legislative session and virtually no opportunity for meaningful stakeholder engagement, a reboot of a job killer...
Opposition Stops Job Killer Housing Bill
Opposition from a California Chamber of Commerce-led coalition of groups has stopped a job killer bill that would have impeded housing construction and harmed...
Job Killer Bill That Hinders Housing Construction to Be Considered in Senate Committee
A job killer bill that will impede housing construction and harm California's economic recovery will be considered by the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on...
A New Recycling Paradigm
“Living is easy with eyes closed.” John Lennon wasn’t talking “trash” when he said this, but the quote fairly describes how California approached recycling...
Job Killer, CalChamber-Opposed Bills Stall Ahead of Key Legislative Deadline
A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that expands rent control and discourages housing production has stalled in the Assembly and is likely...
Another Prop 65 Headache
One of the world’s safest and most widely used drugs may soon come with California’s cancer warning.
Tylenol, Benadryl, Dayquil, Midol and Excedrin, just to...
Recycling Bills Still Problematic
Although amendments removed job killer provisions, twin recycling bills are still opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of industry groups...
Legislature Weighing Strict Product Regulation
With just weeks remaining in the legislative session, twin job killer bills upending how consumer products are packaged and sold in California are being...
Proposition 65: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
One cannot travel very far in the Golden State without being bombarded with cancer warnings. Thanks to Proposition 65 (Prop 65), a 1986 voter-approved...
Bills Targeting Packaging Ignore Costs, Lack of Recycling Infrastructure
Identical job killer bills that will substantially disrupt the state’s economy by placing an overly broad, unrealistic source reduction, recyclability and compostable mandate on...
Job Killer Bill Threatening Water Supply Reliability Passes Policy Committee
Legislation that threatens water supply reliability for millions of Californians passed the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee on Tuesday.
The California Chamber of...
Job Creator Housing Bill Narrowly Passes Senate Committee
Legislation identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job creator because it will minimize frivolous litigation that blocks infill housing projects won...
Cosmetic Ban Bill Shelved After Getting Job Killer Tag
An Assembly policy committee this week postponed action on a cosmetic product ban identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job killer.
CalChamber-Backed Housing Relief Bills Advance
Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills aimed at helping ease the state’s housing crisis won approval this week from the Senate Housing Committee.
Sent on for...
CalChamber Supports Proactive, Scientific Approach to Green Chemistry
The California Chamber of Commerce remains committed to a continued bipartisan effort to improve California’s green chemistry program with all stakeholders, CalChamber Policy Advocate...
CalChamber-Led Coalition Urges Rejection of Proposed Prop. 65 Regulations Placing Added Burdens Only on...
The state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) should reject two Proposition 65 proposals that place additional and unjustified burdens solely on businesses,...
Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported CEQA, Land Use Bills that Help Relieve Home Building Red Tape
Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will help expedite home building, one dealing with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reform and another with...