CFCE Names New President; Luis Quiñonez to Lead CalChamber-Affiliated Research Group

Luis Quiñonez
Luis A. Quiñonez

Luis A. Quiñonez has been named President of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education (CFCE), a CalChamber-affiliated non-profit research organization that helps leaders understand the impacts of public policy on business, jobs and investment in the state.

Quiñonez, who most recently served as Chief of Staff to California State Senator Anna M. Caballero (D-Merced), assumes the position on February 18, 2025. He succeeds Loren Kaye, who served as CFCE President since 2006. Kaye retired at the end of 2024.

“Luis brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this role,” said CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera. “Luis is a demonstrated leader who will work to ensure that lawmakers and the public understand the significant contributions private enterprise makes to our economy and the adverse impact that costly, unbalanced policies have on our competitiveness. The California business community is grateful that Luis is stepping into this position at a critical time for our state—when the issue of affordability is front and center and the importance of building a strong economic base could not be more consequential.”

“CalChamber is the leading voice for California’s business community and I am honored to be working together at the helm of CFCE,” said Quiñonez. “Our goal will be a balanced approach to solving our present challenges while taking advantage of tomorrow’s opportunities. Our work will help illuminate the economic reality of legislative policies impacting all sectors of California’s economy. It is vital for California’s continued status as one of the world’s largest economies that public policy is brought forward which creates prosperity for all Californians.”

Quiñonez has more than 20 years of experience in public policy, public affairs, government relations and research. His career has included positions in both the public and private sector.

The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.