CalChamber, 400 Groups Urge Immediate Action to Avert Rail Strike

The California Chamber of Commerce and more than 400 other organizations are urging Congress to take action in the face of a looming rail strike between the major freight railroads and 12 labor unions.

In a letter sent yesterday to congressional leadership, the large and diverse coalition states that immediate action to avert a strike is necessary or the result could be “interruptions in the delivery of fertilizers, chlorine and other products essential to clean water, our food supply, and electricity generation.”

In addition, the coalition letter notes that “a potential rail strike only adds to the headwinds facing the U.S. economy. A rail stoppage would immediately lead to supply chain shortages and higher prices.”

Many businesses and communities rely on regular, uninterrupted rail service and the current uncertainty created during this year’s protracted contract negotiations has created enormous anxiety. In September, during the last threat of a strike, the mere possibility of a rail service stoppage created significant disruptions to the timely delivery of critical goods and products.

According to news reports yesterday, President Joe Biden has called on Congress to act with urgency to avert a possible strike.

Unions and railroads are working against a December 9 deadline to come to an agreement.

Read more here.

The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.