Governor Forms Council to Examine Economic, Social Impacts of Higher Education in California

On Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the formation of an 11-member Council for Post-Secondary Education that will serve as an “independent consultative resource to the Governor around the economic and social impact of higher education in the state.”

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg was selected by the Governor to serve on the Council.

“It is no coincidence that we have the best higher education system in the world, and that we have the most sought after workforce and the best economy,” said Zaremberg. “For those Californians who haven’t shared in our economic prosperity, higher education can provide the rungs on the economic ladder if the curriculum matches the skills needed in today’s job market.”

The council will examine issues relating to future capacity, enrollment planning, community college transfers, general education and coordination at the state and regional levels, and make recommendations to the Governor for action. In addition to this council, the Governor has convened—and will continue to engage—higher education advocates and stakeholders to advise him on issues relating to student access, affordability and success.

“The university and community college systems in the state operate in silos,” Governor Newsom said. “To develop best practices and help our students reach their full potential, we need to work together across institutions. I look forward to working with our state’s higher education leaders to set bold statewide goals and partnering together to achieve them.”

In addition to Zaremberg, members of the Council include:

  • Janet Napolitano, President, University of California;
  • Timothy White, Chancellor, California State University;
  • Eloy Ortiz Oakley, Chancellor, California Community Colleges;
  • Kristen Soares, President, Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities;
  • Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction;
  • Linda Darling-Hammond, President, California State Board of Education;
  • Art Pulaski, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, California Labor Federation;
  • Lenny Mendonca, Governor’s Chief Economic and Business Advisor;
  • Keely Bosler, Director, California Department of Finance; and
  • Lande Ajose, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Governor.
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